Mladen Todorovic
Mladen Todorovic
CIHEAM - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari
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Improving water-efficient irrigation: Prospects and difficulties of innovative practices
L Levidow, D Zaccaria, R Maia, E Vivas, M Todorovic, A Scardigno
Agricultural Water Management 146, 84-94, 2014
Assessment of AquaCrop, CropSyst, and WOFOST models in the simulation of sunflower growth under different water regimes
M Todorovic, R Albrizio, L Zivotic, MTA Saab, C Stöckle, P Steduto
Agronomy journal 101 (3), 509-521, 2009
Climate change and Mediterranean agriculture: Impacts on winter wheat and tomato crop evapotranspiration, irrigation requirements and yield
S Saadi, M Todorovic, L Tanasijevic, LS Pereira, C Pizzigalli, P Lionello
Agricultural water management 147, 103-115, 2015
Impacts of climate change on olive crop evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements in the Mediterranean region
L Tanasijevic, M Todorovic, LS Pereira, C Pizzigalli, P Lionello
Agricultural Water Management 144, 54-68, 2014
Comparing the interactive effects of water and nitrogen on durum wheat and barley grown in a Mediterranean environment
R Albrizio, M Todorovic, T Matic, AM Stellacci
Field Crops Research 115 (2), 179-190, 2010
Reference evapotranspiration estimate with limited weather data across a range of Mediterranean climates
M Todorovic, B Karic, LS Pereira
Journal of Hydrology 481, 166-176, 2013
Single-layer evapotranspiration model with variable canopy resistance
M Todorovic
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 125 (5), 235-245, 1999
Combined effect of deficit irrigation and strobilurin application on yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of “cherry” tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
V Cantore, O Lechkar, E Karabulut, MH Sellami, R Albrizio, F Boari, ...
Agricultural Water Management 167, 53-61, 2016
Estimation of daily potato crop evapotranspiration using three different machine learning algorithms and four scenarios of available meteorological data
SS Yamaç, M Todorovic
Agricultural Water Management 228, 105875, 2020
A GIS-based approach for desertification risk assessment in Apulia region, SE Italy
G Ladisa, M Todorovic, GT Liuzzi
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/B/C 49, 103-113, 2012
Sowing strategies for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) based on modelled yield response to water with AquaCrop
A BERHANU, N Delbecque, D Raes, A Tsegay, M Todorovic, LEE Heng, ...
Experimental Agriculture 48 (2), 252-271, 2012
Comparing AquaCrop and CropSyst models in simulating barley growth and yield under different water and nitrogen regimes. Does calibration year influence the performance of crop …
MT Abi Saab, M Todorovic, R Albrizio
Agricultural water management 147, 21-33, 2015
A review of strategies, methods and technologies to reduce non-beneficial consumptive water use on farms considering the FAO56 methods
N Jovanovic, LS Pereira, P Paredes, I Pôças, V Cantore, M Todorovic
Agricultural water management 239, 106267, 2020
Yield and water use efficiency of early potato grown under different irrigation regimes
V Cantore, F Wassar, SS Yamaç, MH Sellami, R Albrizio, AM Stellacci, ...
International Journal of Plant Production 8 (3), 409-428, 2014
Daily reference evapotranspiration estimates by the Penman-Monteith equation in Southern Italy. Constant vs. variable canopy resistance
P Steduto, M Todorovic, A Caliandro, P Rubino
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 74, 217-225, 2003
A GIS for irrigation management
M Todorovic, P Steduto
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 28 (4-5), 163-174, 2003
Assessing potato transpiration, yield and water productivity under various water regimes and planting dates using the FAO dual Kc approach
P Paredes, D D’Agostino, M Assif, M Todorovic, LS Pereira
Agricultural Water Management 195, 11-24, 2018
Impact of irrigation regime and nitrogen rate on yield, quality and water use efficiency of wild rocket under greenhouse conditions
MI Schiattone, R Viggiani, D Di Venere, L Sergio, V Cantore, M Todorovic, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 229, 182-192, 2018
Eco-efficiency of agricultural water systems: Methodological approach and assessment at meso-level scale
M Todorovic, A Mehmeti, A Scardigno
Journal of Environmental Management 165, 62-71, 2016
An Excel-based tool for real time irrigation management at field scale
M Todorovic
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water and Land Management for …, 2006
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