Carlos Alberto da Silva Ledo
Carlos Alberto da Silva Ledo
Pesquisador da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura
在 cnpmf.embrapa.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Brazilian sepsis epidemiological study (BASES study)
E Silva, MA Pedro, ACB Sogayar, T Mohovic, CLO Silva, M Janiszewski, ...
Critical Care 8, 1-10, 2004
Fungal diversity notes 111–252—taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa
HA Ariyawansa, KD Hyde, SC Jayasiri, B Buyck, KWT Chethana, DQ Dai, ...
Fungal diversity 75, 27-274, 2015
Determinants of underdiagnosis of COPD in national and international surveys
B Lamprecht, JB Soriano, M Studnicka, B Kaiser, LE Vanfleteren, ...
Chest 148 (4), 971-985, 2015
The epidemiology of sepsis in Brazilian intensive care units (the Sepsis PREvalence Assessment Database, SPREAD): an observational study
FR Machado, AB Cavalcanti, FA Bozza, EM Ferreira, FSA Carrara, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 17 (11), 1180-1189, 2017
Thrombolysis-related hemorrhagic infarction: a marker of early reperfusion, reduced infarct size, and improved outcome in patients with proximal middle cerebral artery occlusion
CA Molina, J Alvarez-Sabín, J Montaner, S Abilleira, JF Arenillas, ...
Stroke 33 (6), 1551-1556, 2002
The MACBETH approach: Basic ideas, software, and an application
CA Bana e Costa, JC Vansnick
Advances in decision analysis, 131-157, 1999
Effect of intravenous fluid treatment with a balanced solution vs 0.9% saline solution on mortality in critically ill patients: the BaSICS randomized clinical trial
FG Zampieri, FR Machado, RS Biondi, FGR Freitas, VC Veiga, ...
Jama 326 (9), 818-829, 2021
Altering the time of the second gonadotropin-releasing hormone injection and artificial insemination (AI) during Ovsynch affects pregnancies per AI in lactating dairy cows
DJ Brusveen, AP Cunha, CD Silva, PM Cunha, RA Sterry, EPB Silva, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 91 (3), 1044-1052, 2008
Effectiveness and safety of long-term treatment with sulfonylureas in patients with neonatal diabetes due to KCNJ11 mutations: an international cohort study
P Bowman, Å Sulen, F Barbetti, J Beltrand, P Svalastoga, E Codner, ...
The lancet Diabetes & endocrinology 6 (8), 637-646, 2018
Impact of nutritional stress on the honeybee colony health
B Branchiccela, L Castelli, M Corona, S Díaz-Cetti, C Invernizzi, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 10156, 2019
Caracterização física, físico-química e química de frutos de genótipos de cajazeiras
WS Pinto, ACVL Dantas, AAO Fonseca, CA da Silva, SC Jesus, ...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 38, 1059-1066, 2003
Bronchodilator activity of Mikania glomerata Sprengel on human bronchi and guinea-pig trachea
RS de Moura, SS Costa, JM Jansen, CA Silva, CS Lopes, ...
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 54 (2), 249-256, 2002
Índices fisiológicos e crescimento inicial de mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) em casa de vegetação
JF Lima, CP Peixoto, CAS Ledo
Ciência e agrotecnologia 31, 1358-1363, 2007
Characterisation of metabolic profile of banana genotypes, aiming at biofortified Musa spp. cultivars
CV Borges, VB de Oliveira Amorim, F Ramlov, CA da Silva Ledo, ...
Food chemistry 145, 496-504, 2014
Elasto plastic formulation using a kinematic hardening model for springback analysis in sheet metal forming
F Morestin, M Boivin, C Silva
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 56 (1-4), 619-630, 1996
N-acetyl transferase 2 and cytochrome P450 2E1 genes and isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity in Brazilian patients
NPC Santos, SM Callegari-Jacques, AKC Ribeiro Dos Santos, CA Silva, ...
The International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease 17 (4), 499-504, 2013
Viability, storage and ultrastructure analysis of Aechmea bicolor (Bromeliaceae) pollen grains, an endemic species to the Atlantic forest
EH de Souza, FVD Souza, ML Rossi, N Brancalleao, CA da Silva Ledo, ...
Euphytica 204, 13-28, 2015
Características morfológicas, físicas e químicas de frutos de populações de umbu-cajazeira no Estado da Bahia
PCL Carvalho, R Ritzinger, WS Soares Filho, CAS Ledo
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 30, 140-147, 2008
Principles and practice of radiation oncology
A Carlos, W Luther
JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1992
Structural studies of a ZrO2–CeO2 doped system
VR Mastelaro, V Briois, DPF de Souza, CL Silva
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (2), 273-282, 2003
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