Marta Molinas
Marta Molinas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering Cybernetics
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Overview of multi-MW wind turbines and wind parks
M Liserre, R Cardenas, M Molinas, J Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 58 (4), 1081-1095, 2011
Low voltage ride through of wind farms with cage generators: STATCOM versus SVC
M Molinas, JA Suul, T Undeland
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 23 (3), 1104-1117, 2008
A modified sequence-domain impedance definition and its equivalence to the dq-domain impedance definition for the stability analysis of AC power electronic systems
A Rygg, M Molinas, C Zhang, X Cai
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 4 (4 …, 2016
Small-signal stability assessment of power electronics based power systems: A discussion of impedance-and eigenvalue-based methods
M Amin, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (5), 5014-5030, 2017
Harmonic state-space based small-signal impedance modeling of a modular multilevel converter with consideration of internal harmonic dynamics
J Lyu, X Zhang, X Cai, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (3), 2134-2148, 2018
Frequency Domain Stability Analysis of MMC-Based HVDC for Wind Farm Integration
XC Jing Lyu, Marta Molinas
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 11 (99), 1-7, 2015
Frequency Domain Stability Analysis of MMC-Based HVDC for Wind Farm Integration
XC Jing Lyu, Marta Molinas
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2015
Understanding of tuning techniques of converter controllers for VSC-HVDC
C Bajracharya, M Molinas, JA Suul, TM Undeland
Helsinki University of Technology, 2008
An energy-based controller for HVDC modular multilevel converter in decoupled double synchronous reference frame for voltage oscillation reduction
G Bergna, E Berne, P Egrot, P Lefranc, A Arzandé, JC Vannier, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (6), 2360-2371, 2012
Sequence domain SISO equivalent models of a grid-tied voltage source converter system for small-signal stability analysis
C Zhang, X Cai, A Rygg, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33 (2), 741-749, 2017
Past, present, and future challenges of the marine vessel’s electrical power system
E Skjong, R Volden, E Rødskar, M Molinas, TA Johansen, J Cunningham
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2 (4), 522-537, 2016
Understanding the origin of oscillatory phenomena observed between wind farms and HVDC systems
M Amin, M Molinas
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (1), 378-392, 2016
Optimal design of controller parameters for improving the stability of MMC-HVDC for wind farm integration
J Lyu, X Cai, M Molinas
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 (1), 40-53, 2017
An all-DC offshore wind farm with series-connected turbines: An alternative to the classical parallel AC model?
N Holtsmark, HJ Bahirat, M Molinas, BA Mork, HK Hoidalen
IEEE Transactions on industrial Electronics 60 (6), 2420-2428, 2012
Effect of control strategies and power take-off efficiency on the power capture from sea waves
E Tedeschi, M Carraro, M Molinas, P Mattavelli
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (4), 1088-1098, 2011
Offshore wind farm grid integration by VSC technology with LCC-based HVDC transmission
RE Torres-Olguin, M Molinas, T Undeland
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 3 (4), 899-907, 2012
Impedance‐compensated grid synchronisation for extending the stability range of weak grids with voltage source converters
JA Suul, S D'Arco, P Rodríguez, M Molinas
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (6), 1315-1326, 2016
StatCom control at wind farms with fixed-speed induction generators under asymmetrical grid faults
C Wessels, N Hoffmann, M Molinas, FW Fuchs
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (7), 2864-2873, 2012
Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system for integration of offshore wind farms and green electrification of platforms in the North Sea
TM Haileselassie, M Molinas, T Undeland
Helsinki University of Technology, 2008
A study of efficiency in a reduced matrix converter for offshore wind farms
A Garcés, M Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (1), 184-193, 2011
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