Ebrahim Shirani
Ebrahim Shirani
其他姓名Chaharsoghi, ES, Shirani Chaharsoghi, E
Emeritus Professor at Isfahan University of Technology
在 cc.iut.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Numerical simulation of blood pulsatile flow in a stenosed carotid artery using different rheological models
A Razavi, E Shirani, MR Sadeghi
Journal of biomechanics 44 (11), 2021-2030, 2011
Simulation of copper–water nanofluid in a microchannel in slip flow regime using the lattice Boltzmann method
A Karimipour, AH Nezhad, A D’Orazio, MH Esfe, MR Safaei, E Shirani
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 49, 89-99, 2015
A novel model for vibrations of nanotubes conveying nanoflow
V Rashidi, HR Mirdamadi, E Shirani
Computational Materials Science 51 (1), 347-352, 2012
Investigation of the gravity effects on the mixed convection heat transfer in a microchannel using lattice Boltzmann method
A Karimipour, AH Nezhad, A D’Orazio, E Shirani
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 54, 142-152, 2012
Experimental investigation of surface vibration effects on increasing the stability and heat transfer coeffcient of MWCNTs-water nanofluid in a flexible double pipe heat exchanger
A Hosseinian, AHM Isfahani, E Shirani
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 90, 275-285, 2018
The effects of inclination angle and Prandtl number on the mixed convection in the inclined lid driven cavity using lattice Boltzmann method
A Karimipour, AH Nezhad, A D'Orazio, E Shirani
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 51 (2), 447-462, 2013
Interface pressure calculation based on conservation of momentum for front capturing methods
E Shirani, N Ashgriz, J Mostaghimi
Journal of Computational Physics 203 (1), 154-175, 2005
Constructal optimization of the geometry of an array of micro-channels
MR Salimpour, M Sharifhasan, E Shirani
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (1), 93-99, 2011
Constructal placement of unequal heat sources on a plate cooled by laminar forced convection
MR Hajmohammadi, E Shirani, MR Salimpour, A Campo
International journal of thermal sciences 60, 13-22, 2012
Numerical simulation of LDL mass transfer in a common carotid artery under pulsatile flows
S Fazli, E Shirani, MR Sadeghi
Journal of biomechanics 44 (1), 68-76, 2011
Friction and heat transfer coefficient in micro and nano channels filled with porous media for wide range of Knudsen number
H Shokouhmand, AHM Isfahani, E Shirani
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (7), 890-894, 2010
Constructal optimization of microchannel heat sinks with noncircular cross sections
MR Salimpour, M Sharifhasan, E Shirani
Heat Transfer Engineering 34 (10), 863-874, 2013
An improved method for calculation of interface pressure force in PLIC-VOF methods
M Seifollahi, E Shirani, N Ashgriz
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 27 (1), 1-23, 2008
Numerical Investigation on the effect of the size and number of stages on the Tesla microvalve efficiency
K Mohammadzadeh, EM Kolahdouz, E Shirani, MB Shafii
Journal of Mechanics 29 (3), 527-534, 2013
The effects of stenosis severity on the hemodynamic parameters—assessment of the correlation between stress phase angle and wall shear stress
MR Sadeghi, E Shirani, M Tafazzoli-Shadpour, M Samaee
Journal of biomechanics 44 (15), 2614-2626, 2011
Heat transfer analysis of skin during thermal therapy using thermal wave equation
MR Salimpour, E Shirani
Journal of thermal biology 64, 7-18, 2017
A novel modified lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of gas flows in wide range of Knudsen number
A Homayoon, AHM Isfahani, E Shirani, M Ashrafizadeh
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (6), 827-832, 2011
Turbulence models for flows with free surfaces and interfaces
E Shirani, A Jafari, N Ashgriz
AIAA journal 44 (7), 1454-1462, 2006
Numerical simulation of LDL particles mass transport in human carotid artery under steady state conditions
A Nematollahi, E Shirani, I Mirzaee, MR Sadeghi
Scientia Iranica 19 (3), 519-524, 2012
Non-Newtonian ink transfer in gravure–offset printing
F Ghadiri, DH Ahmed, HJ Sung, E Shirani
International journal of heat and fluid flow 32 (1), 308-317, 2011
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