Marie Crandall
Marie Crandall
Professor & Chair of Surgery, MetroHealth, Case Western University
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Race and insurance status as risk factors for trauma mortality
AH Haider, DC Chang, DT Efron, ER Haut, M Crandall, EE Cornwell
Archives of Surgery 143 (10), 945-949, 2008
Selective nonoperative management of blunt splenic injury: an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline
NA Stassen, I Bhullar, JD Cheng, ML Crandall, RS Friese, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 73 (5), S294-S300, 2012
Organ injury scaling 2018 update: spleen, liver, and kidney
RA Kozar, M Crandall, K Shanmuganathan, BL Zarzaur, M Coburn, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 85 (6), 1119-1122, 2018
Acute management of traumatic brain injury
MA Vella, ML Crandall, MB Patel
Surgical Clinics 97 (5), 1015-1030, 2017
Nonoperative management of blunt hepatic injury: an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline
NA Stassen, I Bhullar, JD Cheng, M Crandall, R Friese, O Guillamondegui, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 73 (5), S288-S293, 2012
Disparities in trauma care and outcomes in the United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis
AH Haider, PL Weygandt, JM Bentley, MF Monn, KA Rehman, BL Zarzaur, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 74 (5), 1195-1205, 2013
Emergency general surgery: definition and estimated burden of disease
S Shafi, MB Aboutanos, S Agarwal Jr, CVR Brown, M Crandall, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 74 (4), 1092-1097, 2013
Perceived gender-based barriers to careers in academic surgery
A Cochran, T Hauschild, WB Elder, LA Neumayer, KJ Brasel, ML Crandall
The American Journal of Surgery 206 (2), 263-268, 2013
Trauma deserts: distance from a trauma center, transport times, and mortality from gunshot wounds in Chicago
M Crandall, D Sharp, E Unger, D Straus, K Brasel, R Hsia, T Esposito
American journal of public health 103 (6), 1103-1109, 2013
Telemedicine and telementoring in the surgical specialties: a narrative review
EY Huang, S Knight, CR Guetter, CH Davis, M Moller, E Slama, ...
The American Journal of Surgery 218 (4), 760-766, 2019
The diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography angiography for traumatic or atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid and vertebral arteries: a systematic review
W Hollingworth, AB Nathens, JP Kanne, ML Crandall, TA Crummy, ...
European journal of radiology 48 (1), 88-102, 2003
Pre-hospital transport times and survival for hypotensive patients with penetrating thoracic trauma
M Swaroop, DC Straus, O Agubuzu, TJ Esposito, CR Schermer, ...
Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock 6 (1), 16-20, 2013
The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma grading scale for 16 emergency general surgery conditions: disease-specific criteria characterizing anatomic severity grading
GT Tominaga, KL Staudenmayer, S Shafi, KM Schuster, SA Savage, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 81 (3), 593-602, 2016
Greening the operating room
CR Guetter, BJ Williams, E Slama, A Arrington, MC Henry, MG Möller, ...
The American journal of surgery 216 (4), 683-688, 2018
“No Way Out” Russian-speaking women’s experiences with domestic violence
M Crandall, K Senturia, M Sullivan, S Shiu-Thornton
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 20 (8), 941-958, 2005
Measuring anatomic severity of disease in emergency general surgery
S Shafi, M Aboutanos, CVR Brown, D Ciesla, MJ Cohen, ML Crandall, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 76 (3), 884-887, 2014
Association between hospitals caring for a disproportionately high percentage of minority trauma patients and increased mortality: a nationwide analysis of 434 hospitals
AH Haider, S Ong’uti, DT Efron, TA Oyetunji, ML Crandall, VK Scott, ...
Archives of surgery 147 (1), 63-70, 2012
Predicting future injury among women in abusive relationships
ML Crandall, AB Nathens, MA Kernic, VL Holt, FP Rivara
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 56 (4), 906-912, 2004
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma emergency general surgery guideline summaries 2018: acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute diverticulitis, acute …
KM Schuster, DN Holena, A Salim, S Savage, M Crandall
Trauma surgery & acute care open 4 (1), 2019
Comparison of male and female victims of intimate partner homicide and bidirectionality—an analysis of the national violent death reporting system
CG Velopulos, H Carmichael, TL Zakrison, M Crandall
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 87 (2), 331-336, 2019
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