Jing Hu (胡景)
Seagrass beds acting as a trap of microplastics-emerging hotspot in the coastal region?
Y Huang, X Xiao, C Xu, YD Perianen, J Hu, M Holmer
Environmental pollution 257, 113450, 2020
Seaweed farms provide refugia from ocean acidification
X Xiao, S Agustí, Y Yu, Y Huang, W Chen, J Hu, C Li, K Li, F Wei, Y Lu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 776, 145192, 2021
New insights into the microplastic enrichment in the blue carbon ecosystem: evidence from seagrass meadows and mangrove forests in coastal South China Sea
Y Huang, X Xiao, K Effiong, C Xu, Z Su, J Hu, S Jiao, M Holmer
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (8), 4804-4812, 2021
Algal bloom forecasting with time-frequency analysis: A hybrid deep learning approach
M Liu, J He, Y Huang, T Tang, J Hu, X Xiao
Water Research 219, 118591, 2022
Algal community structure prediction by machine learning
M Liu, Y Huang, J Hu, J He, X Xiao
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 14, 100233, 2023
Chemical Prevention and Control of the Green Tide and Fouling Organism Ulva: Key Chemicals, Mechanisms, and Applications
T Tang, K Effiong, J Hu, C Li, X Xiao
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 618950, 2021
Programmed cell death process in freshwater Microcystis aeruginosa and marine Phaeocystis globosa induced by a plant derived allelochemical
C Xu, S Yu, J Hu, K Effiong, Z Ge, T Tang, X Xiao
Science of The Total Environment 838, 156055, 2022
New insights into the harmful algae inhibition by Spartina alterniflora: cellular physiology and metabolism of extracellular secretion
C Xu, S Huang, Y Huang, K Effiong, S Yu, J Hu, X Xiao
Science of the Total Environment 714, 136737, 2020
Sustainable utilization of agricultural straw for harmful algal blooms control: a review
K Effiong, J Hu, C Xu, T Tang, H Huang, J Zeng, X Xiao
Journal of Renewable Materials 8 (5), 461-483, 2020
Down-regulation of iron/zinc ion transport and toxin synthesis in Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to 5, 4′-dihydroxyflavone
S Yu, C Xu, T Tang, Y Zhang, K Effiong, J Hu, Y Bi, X Xiao
Journal of Hazardous Materials 460, 132396, 2023
Natural Algaecide Sphingosines Identified in Hybrid Straw Decomposition Driven by White‐Rot Fungi
J Hu, E Kokoette, C Xu, S Huang, T Tang, Y Zhang, M Liu, Y Huang, S Yu, ...
Advanced Science 10 (25), 2300569, 2023
3-Indoleacrylic acid from canola straw as a promising antialgal agent-Inhibition effect and mechanism on bloom-forming Prorocentrum donghaiense
K Effiong, J Hu, C Xu, Y Zhang, S Yu, T Tang, Y Huang, Y Lu, W Li, J Zeng, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113657, 2022
Biochar mitigates the mineralization of allochthonous organic matter and global warming potential of saltmarshes by influencing functional bacteria
Y Zhang, Y Huang, J Hu, T Tang, C Xu, KS Effiong, X Xiao
Carbon Research 3 (1), 6, 2024
Probabilistic prediction of algal blooms from basic water quality parameters by Bayesian scale-mixture of skew-normal model
M Liu, J Hu, Y Huang, J He, K Effiong, T Tang, S Huang, YD Perianen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 18 (1), 014034, 2023
Treatment of the red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and brevetoxins using USEPA-registered algaecides
J Hu, DE Berthold, Y Wang, X Xiao, HD Laughinghouse IV
Harmful Algae 120, 102347, 2022
Broad spectrum and species specificity of plant allelochemicals 1, 2-benzenediol and 3-indoleacrylic acid against marine and freshwater harmful algae
J Hu, K Effiong, M Liu, X Xiao
Science of The Total Environment 898, 166356, 2023
Discovery of novel anti-cyanobacterial allelochemicals by multi-conformational QSAR approach
T Tang, H Huang, J Hu, S Huang, M Liu, S Yu, X Xiao
Aquatic Toxicology 256, 106420, 2023
Novel diversity within Roseofilum (Desertifilaceae, Cyanobacteria) from marine benthic mats with description of four new species
Y Wang, DE Berthold, J Hu, FW Lefler, IS Huang, HD Laughinghouse IV
Journal of Phycology 59 (6), 1147-1165, 2023
Decoding the quantitative relationship of algistatic activity and chemodiversity of plant-derived allelochemicals in optimized straw decomposition
K Effiong, J Hu, M Liu, Y Chen, X Xiao
Industrial Crops and Products 212, 118377, 2024
Laboratory-scale evaluation of microcystin persistence following treatment of five USEPA-registered algaecides at different temperatures
AT Taylor, JD Chaffin, DE Berthold, FW Lefler, M Barbosa, J Hu, ...
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