Ali Khaki Sedigh
Ali Khaki Sedigh
Prof of Control Systems at K. N. Toosi University of Technology, APAC Research Group
在 kntu.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimal control of a nonlinear fed-batch fermentation process using model predictive approach
A Ashoori, B Moshiri, A Khaki-Sedigh, MR Bakhtiari
Journal of Process Control 19 (7), 1162-1173, 2009
Identification using ANFIS with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm approaches and stability analysis of training methods
MA Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh, MA Khanesar
Applied Soft Computing 9 (2), 833-850, 2009
Control Configuration Selection of Nonlinear Multivariable Plants
A Khaki-Sedigh, B Moaveni, A Khaki-Sedigh, B Moaveni
Control Configuration Selection for Multivariable Plants, 139-172, 2009
Training ANFIS as an identifier with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and extended Kalman filter
MA Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (7), 922-948, 2009
Adaptive vehicle lateral-plane motion control using optimal tire friction forces with saturation limits consideration
J Ahmadi, AK Sedigh, M Kabganian
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 58 (8), 4098-4107, 2009
Forecasting of short-term traffic-flow based on improved neurofuzzy models via emotional temporal difference learning algorithm
J Abdi, B Moshiri, B Abdulhai, AK Sedigh
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (5), 1022-1042, 2012
Adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control of nonlinear systems with input saturation and time-varying output constraints
L Edalati, AK Sedigh, MA Shooredeli, A Moarefianpour
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 100, 311-329, 2018
A novel training algorithm in ANFIS structure
MA Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
2006 American control conference, 6 pp., 2006
Fault tolerant control design using adaptive control allocation based on the pseudo inverse along the null space
SS Tohidi, A Khaki Sedigh, D Buzorgnia
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (16), 3541-3557, 2016
Novel hybrid learning algorithms for tuning ANFIS parameters using adaptive weighted PSO
MA Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1-6, 2007
Analytical design of fractional order PID controllers based on the fractional set-point weighted structure: Case study in twin rotor helicopter
R Azarmi, M Tavakoli-Kakhki, AK Sedigh, A Fatehi
Mechatronics 31, 222-233, 2015
Reconfigurable control system design using eigenstructure assignment: static, dynamic and robust approaches
A Esna Ashari*, A Khaki Sedigh, MJ Yazdanpanah
International Journal of Control 78 (13), 1005-1016, 2005
Reducing control effort by means of emotional learning
M Fatourechi, C Lucas, AK Sedigh
Proceedings of 19th Iranian conference on electrical engineering 41, 1-41.8, 2001
Identification using ANFIS with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm approaches
M Aliyari Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
Neural Computing and Applications 18, 157-174, 2009
Adaptive neural network control of bilateral teleoperation with constant time delay
A Forouzantabar, HA Talebi, AK Sedigh
Nonlinear Dynamics 67, 1123-1134, 2012
Adaptive recurrent neural network with Lyapunov stability learning rules for robot dynamic terms identification
P Agand, MA Shoorehdeli, A Khaki-Sedigh
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 65, 1-11, 2017
Sufficient condition for stabilization of linear time invariant fractional order switched systems and variable structure control stabilizers
S Balochian, AK Sedigh
ISA transactions 51 (1), 65-73, 2012
Static Output-Feedback Control Design for Discrete-Time Systems Using Reinforcement Learning
AP Valadbeigi, AK Sedigh, FL Lewis
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (2), 396-406, 2019
Analytical approach to tuning of model predictive control for first‐order plus dead time models
P Bagheri, AK Sedigh
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (14), 1806-1817, 2013
Model reference adaptive control for a flexible launch vehicle
A Khoshnood, J Roshanian, A Khaki-Sedig
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2008
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