Sathyabhama A
Sathyabhama A
NITK Surathkal Mangalore
在 nitk.edu.in 的电子邮件经过验证
Comparative study of pool boiling heat transfer from various microchannel geometries
A Walunj, A Sathyabhama
Applied Thermal Engineering 128, 672-683, 2018
Extraction and characterization of coffee husk biodiesel and investigation of its effect on performance, combustion, and emission characteristics in a diesel engine
AF Emma, S Alangar, AK Yadav
Energy Conversion and Management: X 14, 100214, 2022
Numerical study on effect of boundary layer trips on aerodynamic performance of E216 airfoil
BK Sreejith, A Sathyabhama
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21 (1), 77-88, 2018
Thermodynamic simulation of ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system
A Sathyabhama, BTP Ashok
Thermal science 12 (3), 45-53, 2008
Enhancement of boiling heat transfer using surface vibration
A Sathyabhama, SP Prashanth
Heat Transfer—Asian Research 46 (1), 49-60, 2017
Comparison of modeling methods for wind power prediction: a critical study
RP Shetty, A Sathyabhama, PS Pai
Frontiers in Energy 14 (2), 347-358, 2020
Augmentation of heat transfer coefficient in pool boiling using compound enhancement techniques
A Sathyabhama, A Dinesh
Applied Thermal Engineering 119, 176-188, 2017
Experimental investigation in pool boiling heat transfer of ammonia/water mixture and heat transfer correlations
A Sathyabhama, TPA Babu
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32 (3), 719-729, 2011
An efficient online sequential extreme learning machine model based on feature selection and parameter optimization using cuckoo search algorithm for multi-step wind speed …
RP Shetty, A Sathyabhama, PS Pai
Soft Computing 25, 1277-1295, 2021
Experimental and numerical study of laminar separation bubble formation on low Reynolds number airfoil with leading-edge tubercles
BK Sreejith, A Sathyabhama
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42 …, 2020
Optimized radial basis function neural network model for wind power prediction
RP Shetty, A Sathyabhama, AA Rai
2016 second international conference on cognitive computing and information …, 2016
Effect of boiling surface vibration on heat transfer
S Alangar
Heat and Mass Transfer 53, 73-79, 2017
Leading edge tubercle on wind turbine blade to mitigate problems of stall, hysteresis, and laminar separation bubble
J Joseph, A Sathyabhama
Energy Conversion and Management 255, 115337, 2022
Experimental study of nucleate pool boiling heat transfer to ammonia–water–lithium bromide solution
A Sathyabhama, TPA Babu
Experimental thermal and fluid science 35 (6), 1046-1054, 2011
Transient CHF enhancement in high pressure pool boiling on rough surface
A Walunj, A Sathyabhama
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 127, 145-158, 2018
Bubble dynamics of water-ethanol mixture during subcooled flow boiling in a conventional channel
BG Suhas, A Sathyabhama
Applied Thermal Engineering 113, 1596-1609, 2017
Bubble dynamics and enhanced heat transfer during high-pressure pool boiling on rough surface
A Walunj, A Sathyabhama
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 33 (2), 309-321, 2019
Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer from a flat-plate grooved surface
A Sathyabhama
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 22 (3), 2015
Prediction of nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficient
A Sathyabhama, RN Hegde
Thermal Science 14 (2), 353-364, 2010
Experimental and numerical investigation of pool boiling heat transfer from finned surfaces
R Jaswal, A Sathyabhama, K Singh, AP Yandapalli
Applied Thermal Engineering 233, 121167, 2023
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