Li Sun
Li Sun
在 seu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Short-term global horizontal irradiance forecasting based on a hybrid CNN-LSTM model with spatiotemporal correlations
H Zang, L Liu, L Sun, L Cheng, Z Wei, G Sun
Renewable Energy, 2020
Data-driven oxygen excess ratio control for proton exchange membrane fuel cell
L Sun, J Shen, Q Hua, KY Lee
Applied Energy 231, 866-875, 2018
Machine learning and data-driven techniques for the control of smart power generation systems: An uncertainty handling perspective
L Sun, F You
Engineering, 2021
Active disturbance rejection temperature control of open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cell
L Sun, Y Jin, F You
Applied Energy 261, 114381, 2020
On tuning and practical implementation of active disturbance rejection controller: a case study from a regenerative heater in a 1000 MW power plant
L Sun, D Li, K Hu, KY Lee, F Pan
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (23), 6686-6695, 2016
Life Cycle Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems Configuration with Hybrid Battery/Hydrogen Storage: A Comparative Study
Y Zhang, QS Hua, L Sun, Q Liu
Journal of Energy Storage 30, 101470, 2020
Combined feedforward and model-assisted active disturbance rejection control for non-minimum phase system
L Sun, D Li, Z Gao, Z Yang, S Zhao
ISA transactions 64, 24-33, 2016
A practical multivariable control approach based on inverted decoupling and decentralized active disturbance rejection control
L Sun, J Dong, D Li, KY Lee
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (7), 2008-2019, 2016
Quantitative Tuning of Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for FOPDT Model with Application to Power Plant Control
L Sun, W Xue, D Li, H Zhu, Z Su
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021
Combined internal resistance and state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion battery based on extended state observer
L Sun, G Li, F You
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 131, 109994, 2020
Multi-objective optimization for advanced superheater steam temperature control in a 300 MW power plant
L Sun, Q Hua, J Shen, Y Xue, D Li, KY Lee
Applied Energy 208, 592-606, 2017
Coordinated Control Strategies for Fuel Cell Power Plant in a Microgrid
L Sun, G Wu, Y Xue, J Shen, D Li, KY Lee
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33 (1), 1-9, 2018
Enhanced decentralized PI control for fluidized bed combustor via advanced disturbance observer
L Sun, D Li, KY Lee
Control Engineering Practice 42, 128-139, 2015
Efficiency analysis and control of a grid-connected PEM fuel cell in distributed generation
L Sun, Y Jin, L Pan, J Shen, KY Lee
Energy Conversion and Management 195, 587-596, 2019
Control of a Class of Industrial Processes With Time Delay Based on a Modified Uncertainty and Disturbance Estimator
L Sun, D Li, QC Zhong, KY Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (11), 7018-7028, 2016
Integrated energy production unit: An innovative concept and design for energy transition toward low-carbon development
X Zhou, Q Zhao, Y Zhang, L Sun
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021
Disturbance rejection control of a fuel cell power plant in a grid-connected system
G Wu, L Sun, KY Lee
Control Engineering Practice 60, 183-192, 2017
Direct energy balance based active disturbance rejection control for coal-fired power plant
L Sun, Q Hua, D Li, L Pan, Y Xue, KY Lee
ISA transactions 70, 486-493, 2017
Optimal disturbance rejection for PI controller with constraints on relative delay margin
L Sun, D Li, KY Lee
ISA transactions 63, 103-111, 2016
Tuning of Active Disturbance Rejection Control with application to power plant furnace regulation
L Sun, Y Zhang, D Li, KY Lee
Control Engineering Practice 92, 104122, 2019
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