Ahmadreza Pishevar
Ahmadreza Pishevar
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology
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A comparative study of jet formation and nanofiber alignment in electrospinning and electrocentrifugal spinning systems
F Dabirian, SAH Ravandi, AR Pishevar, RA Abuzade
Journal of Electrostatics 69 (6), 540-546, 2011
Numerical simulation of drop deformations and breakup modes caused by direct current electric fields
H Paknemat, AR Pishevar, P Pournaderi
Physics of Fluids 24 (10), 2012
A novel method for manufacturing nanofibers
A Valipouri, SAH Ravandi, AR Pishevar
Fibers and Polymers 14, 941-949, 2013
Experimental study of frost formation on a fin-and-tube heat exchanger by natural convection
M Amini, AR Pishevar, M Yaghoubi
International Journal of Refrigeration 46, 37-49, 2014
Investigation of parameters affecting PAN nanofiber production using electrical and centrifugal forces as a novel method
F Dabirian, SA Hosseini Ravandi, AR Pishevar
Current Nanoscience 6 (5), 545-552, 2010
Reliability analysis of pipe conveying fluid with stochastic structural and fluid parameters
AA Alizadeh, HR Mirdamadi, A Pishevar
Engineering Structures 122, 24-32, 2016
Experimental investigation of electrohydrodynamic modes in electrospraying of viscoelastic polymeric solutions
A Panahi, AR Pishevar, MR Tavakoli
Physics of Fluids 32 (1), 2020
The effects of operating parameters on the fabrication of polyacrylonitrile nanofibers in electro-centrifuge spinning
F Dabirian, SA Hosseini Ravandi, AR Pishevar
Fibers and Polymers 14, 1497-1504, 2013
A numerical investigation of droplet impact on a heated wall in the film boiling regime
P Pournaderi, AR Pishevar
Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (9), 1525-1538, 2012
Exploiting seeding of random number generators for efficient domain decomposition parallelization of dissipative particle dynamics
Y Afshar, F Schmid, A Pishevar, S Worley
Computer Physics Communications 184 (4), 1119-1128, 2013
An adaptive ALE method for underwater explosion simulations including cavitation
AR Pishevar, R Amirifar
Shock Waves 20 (5), 425-439, 2010
Behavior of mixed grade during the grade transition for different conditions in the slab continuous casting
M Alizadeh, H Edris, AR Pishevar
ISIJ international 48 (1), 28-37, 2008
Experimental and numerical study on isolated and non-isolated jet behavior through centrifuge spinning system
A Valipouri, SAH Ravandi, A Pishevar, EI Pǎrǎu
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 69, 93-101, 2015
Role of gravity and capillary waves in the origin of circular hydraulic jumps
H Askarizadeh, H Ahmadikia, C Ehrenpreis, R Kneer, A Pishevar, ...
Physical Review Fluids 4 (11), 114002, 2019
Viscous interfacial layer formation causes electroosmotic mobility reversal in monovalent electrolytes
M Rezaei, AR Azimian, AR Pishevar, DJ Bonthuis
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (35), 22517-22524, 2018
A new fourth order central WENO method for 3D hyperbolic conservation laws
M Lahooti, A Pishevar
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (20), 10258-10270, 2012
Surface charge-dependent hydrodynamic properties of an electroosmotic slip flow
M Rezaei, AR Azimian, AR Pishevar
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (48), 30365-30375, 2018
Melt-spun liquid core fibers: physical and morphological characteristics
M Naeimirad, A Zadhoush, A Abrishamkar, A Pishevar, AA Leal
Iranian Polymer Journal 25, 397-403, 2016
Heat transfer in the hydraulic jump region of circular free-surface liquid jets
H Askarizadeh, H Ahmadikia, C Ehrenpreis, R Kneer, A Pishevar, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 146, 118823, 2020
Numerical and experimental study on the steady cone-jet mode of electro-centrifugal spinning
AR Hashemi, AR Pishevar, A Valipouri, EI Părău
Physics of Fluids 30 (1), 2018
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