Gloria Santos-Beneit
Gloria Santos-Beneit
Foundation for Science, Health and Education
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A comprehensive lifestyle peer group–based intervention on cardiovascular risk factors: the randomized controlled fifty-fifty program
E Gómez-Pardo, JM Fernández-Alvira, M Vilanova, D Haro, R Martínez, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 67 (5), 476-485, 2016
The SI! Program for cardiovascular health promotion in early childhood: a cluster-randomized trial
JL Peñalvo, G Santos-Beneit, M Sotos-Prieto, P Bodega, B Oliva, X Orrit, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66 (14), 1525-1534, 2015
Validation of a questionnaire to measure overall Mediterranean lifestyle habits for research application: the MEDiterranean LIFEstyle index (MEDLIFE)
M Sotos-Prieto, G Santos-Beneit, P Bodega, S Pocock, J Mattei, ...
Nutricion hospitalaria 32 (3), 1153, 2015
Parental and self-reported dietary and physical activity habits in pre-school children and their socio-economic determinants
M Sotos-Prieto, G Santos-Beneit, S Pocock, J Redondo, V Fuster, ...
Public health nutrition 18 (2), 275-285, 2015
The Program SI! intervention for enhancing a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: first results from a cluster randomized trial
JL Peñalvo, M Sotos-Prieto, G Santos-Beneit, S Pocock, J Redondo, ...
BMC public health 13, 1-9, 2013
A cluster randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a school-based behavioral intervention for health promotion among children aged 3 to 5
JL Peñalvo, G Santos-Beneit, M Sotos-Prieto, R Martínez, C Rodríguez, ...
BMC Public Health 13, 1-6, 2013
Rationale and design of the school-based SI! Program to face obesity and promote health among Spanish adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
R Fernandez-Jimenez, G Santos-Beneit, A Tresserra-Rimbau, P Bodega, ...
American Heart Journal 215, 27-40, 2019
Lessons Learned From 10 Years of Preschool Intervention for Health Promotion: JACC State-of-the-Art Review
G Santos-Beneit, R Fernández-Jiménez, A de Cos-Gandoy, C Rodríguez, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 79 (3), 283-298, 2022
Rationale and design of the SI! Program for health promotion in elementary students aged 6 to 11 years: A cluster randomized trial
G Santos-Beneit, P Bodega, M de Miguel, C Rodríguez, V Carral, X Orrit, ...
American heart journal 210, 9-17, 2019
Body image and dietary habits in adolescents: a systematic review
P Bodega, A de Cos-Gandoy, JM Fernández-Alvira, ...
Nutrition reviews 82 (1), 104-127, 2024
Sustainability of and adherence to preschool health promotion among children 9 to 13 years old
R Fernández-Jiménez, G Briceño, J Céspedes, S Vargas, J Guijarro, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 75 (13), 1565-1578, 2020
Association between anthropometry and high blood pressure in a representative sample of preschoolers in madrid
G Santos-Beneit, M Sotos-Prieto, S Pocock, J Redondo, V Fuster, ...
Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition) 68 (6), 477-484, 2015
Dietary patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in spanish adolescents: A cross-sectional analysis of the SI! program for health promotion in secondary schools
P Bodega, JM Fernández-Alvira, G Santos-Beneit, A de Cos-Gandoy, ...
Nutrients 11 (10), 2297, 2019
Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías al análisis de la composición corporal: contraste metodológico y utilidad en el diagnóstico de la condición nutricional
MG Santos Beneit
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011
Identification and quantification of urinary microbial phenolic metabolites by HPLC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-HRMS and their relationship with dietary polyphenols in adolescents
EP Laveriano-Santos, M Marhuenda-Muñoz, A Vallverdú-Queralt, ...
Antioxidants 11 (6), 1167, 2022
Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate lifestyle-related behaviors in elementary school children
G Santos-Beneit, M Sotos-Prieto, P Bodega, C Rodríguez, X Orrit, ...
BMC public health 15, 1-7, 2015
Contraste y concordancia entre ecuaciones de composición corporal en edad pediátrica: aplicación en población española y venezolana
MD Marrodán, B Méndez de Pérez, E Morales, G Santos-Beneit, ...
Effect of time-varying exposure to school-based health promotion on adiposity in childhood
G Santos-Beneit, P Bodega, A de Cos-Gandoy, M de Miguel, C Rodríguez, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 84 (6), 499-508, 2024
School-based cardiovascular health promotion in adolescents: a cluster randomized clinical trial
G Santos-Beneit, JM Fernández-Alvira, A Tresserra-Rimbau, P Bodega, ...
JAMA cardiology 8 (9), 816-824, 2023
Sleep duration and its association with adiposity markers in adolescence: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study
J Martínez-Gómez, JM Fernández-Alvira, A de Cos-Gandoy, P Bodega, ...
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 30 (12), 1236-1244, 2023
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