Carlos Adrian Correa-Florez
Carlos Adrian Correa-Florez
General Director of the Energy and Mining Planning Unit in Colombia
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Optimal participation of residential aggregators in energy and local flexibility markets
CA Correa-Florez, A Michiorri, G Kariniotakis
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1644-1656, 2019
Machine learning and remote sensing techniques applied to estimate soil indicators–review
FA Diaz-Gonzalez, J Vuelvas, CA Correa, VE Vallejo, D Patino
Ecological Indicators 135, 108517, 2022
Stochastic operation of home energy management systems including battery cycling
CA Correa-Florez, A Gerossier, A Michiorri, G Kariniotakis
Applied energy 225, 1205-1218, 2018
Robust optimization for day-ahead market participation of smart-home aggregators
CA Correa-Florez, A Michiorri, G Kariniotakis
Applied energy 229, 433-445, 2018
Principios y criterios para la delimitación de humedales continentales: una herramienta para fortalecer la resiliencia y la adaptación al cambio climático en Colombia
S Vilardy, Ú Jaramillo, C Flórez, J Cortés-Duque, L Estupiñán Suárez, ...
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, 2014
Multi-objective transmission expansion planning considering multiple generation scenarios
CAC Florez, RAB Ocampo, AHE Zuluaga
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 62, 398-409, 2014
Impacto de la penetración de la energía solar fotovoltaica en sistemas de distribución: estudio bajo supuestos del contexto colombiano
CA Correa Flórez, GA Marulanda García, AF Panesso Hernández
Tecnura 20 (50), 85-95, 2016
Algoritmo multiobjetivo NSGA II aplicado al problema de la mochila.
CAC Flórez, RAB Ocampo, AM Cabrera
Scientia et technica 2 (39), 206-211, 2008
Coordination of specialised energy aggregators for balancing service provision
C Diaz-Londono, CA Correa-Florez, J Vuelvas, A Mazza, F Ruiz, ...
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 32, 100817, 2022
A novel energy-efficiency optimization approach based on driving patterns styles and experimental tests for electric vehicles
JD Valladolid, D Patino, G Gruosso, CA Correa-Flórez, J Vuelvas, ...
Electronics 10 (10), 1199, 2021
Comparative analysis of adjustable robust optimization alternatives for the participation of aggregated residential prosumers in electricity markets
CA Correa-Florez, A Michiorri, G Kariniotakis
Energies 12 (6), 1019, 2019
Optimal microgrid management in the Colombian energy market with demand response and energy storage
CA Correa, G Marulanda, A Garces
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Enhanced multiobjective algorithm for transmission expansion planning considering N − 1 security criterion
CA Correa, R Bolanos, A Garces
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 25 (10), 2225-2246, 2015
Environmental transmission expansion planning using non-linear programming and evolutionary techniques
CA Correa, RA Bolaños, A Garces
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Alternative energies and energy quality …, 2012
Optimal scheduling of storage devices in smart buildings including battery cycling
CA Correa, A Gerossier, A Michiorri, G Kariniotakis
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, 1-6, 2017
Expansion of transmission networks considering large wind power penetration and demand uncertainty
C Correa, A Sanchez, G Marulanda
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (3), 1235-1244, 2016
Optimal operation of distributed energy storage units for minimizing energy losses
A Garces, CA Correa, R Bolanos
2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition-Latin …, 2014
Planeamiento de la transmisión considerando seguridad e incertidumbre en la demanda empleando programación no lineal y técnicas evolutivas
RA Bolaños Ocampo, CA Correa Flórez
Tecnura 18 (39), 62-76, 2014
Remuneration sensitivity analysis in prosumer and aggregator strategies by controlling electric vehicle chargers
C Diaz-Londono, J Vuelvas, G Gruosso, CA Correa-Florez
Energies 15 (19), 6913, 2022
Spatio-temporal kriging based economic dispatch problem including wind uncertainty
JCC Tinitana, CA Correa-Florez, D Patino, J Vuelvas
Energies 13 (23), 6419, 2020
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