Koosha Sadeghi
A system-driven taxonomy of attacks and defenses in adversarial machine learning
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computational intelligence 4 (4 …, 2020
E-bias: A pervasive eeg-based identification and authentication system
J Sohankar, K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and …, 2015
Safedrive: An autonomous driver safety application in aware cities
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, J Sohankar, SKS Gupta
2016 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communication …, 2016
Geometrical analysis of machine learning security in biometric authentication systems
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, J Sohankar, SKS Gupta
2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2017
Optimization of brain mobile interface applications using IoT
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, J Sohankar, SKS Gupta
2016 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC …, 2016
Brain-mobile interface optimization using internet-of-things
S Gupta, A Banerjee, MJS Esfahani, SKS Oskooyee
US Patent 10,796,246, 2020
Enabling real-time collaborative brain-mobile interactive applications on volunteer mobile devices
M Pore, K Sadeghi, V Chakati, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Hot Topics in Wireless, 46-50, 2015
Bayesian network modeling for diagnosis of social anxiety using some cognitive-behavioral factors
Z Shojaei Estabragh, MM Riahi Kashani, F Jeddi Moghaddam, S Sari, ...
Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 2, 257-265, 2013
Neuro movie theatre: A real-time internet-of-people based mobile application
KS Oskooyee, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
The 16th international workshop on mobile computing systems and applications, 2015
Framework for security strength and performance analysis of machine learning based biometric systems
SKS Gupta, A Banerjee, SKS Oskooyee, MJS Esfahani
US Patent 10,671,735, 2020
Bayesian network model for diagnosis of social anxiety disorder
ZS Estabragh, MMR Kashani, FJ Moghaddam, S Sari, KS Oskooyee
2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine …, 2011
Toward parametric security analysis of machine learning based cyber forensic biometric systems
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, J Sohankar, SKS Gupta
2016 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2016
Permanency analysis on human electroencephalogram signals for pervasive brain-computer interface systems
K Sadeghi, J Lee, A Banerjee, J Sohankar, SKS Gupta
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
A novel spoofing attack against electroencephalogram-based security systems
K Sadeghi, J Sohankar, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced …, 2017
Systematic analysis of liveness detection methods in biometrie security systems
J Sohankar, K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced …, 2017
Predicting the severity of major depression disorder with the Markov chain model
KS Oskooyee, AM Rahmani, MMR Kashani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistery and …, 2011
Performance and security strength trade-off in machine learning based biometric authentication systems
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, J Sohankar, SKS Gupta
2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2017
Implementing a cognition cycle with words computation
KS Oskooyee, MMR Kashani, A Harounabadi
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms …, 2011
Enabling real-time internet-of-people “4D” mobile applications
J Lee, K Sadeghi, J Sohankar, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced …, 2017
An analytical framework for security-tuning of artificial intelligence applications under attack
K Sadeghi, A Banerjee, SKS Gupta
2019 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing …, 2019
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