Robert E. Overstreet
Research in humanitarian logistics
RE Overstreet, D Hall, JB Hanna, R Kelly Rainer Jr
Journal of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management 1 (2), 114–131, 2011
A trail guide to publishing success: Tips on writing influential conceptual, qualitative, and survey research
SE Fawcett, MA Waller, JW Miller, MA Schwieterman, BT Hazen, ...
Journal of Business Logistics 35 (1), 1–16, 2014
The role of ambiguity tolerance in consumer perception of remanufactured products
BT Hazen, RE Overstreet, LA Jones-Farmer, HS Field
International Journal of Production Economics 135 (2), 781–790, 2012
Supply chain innovation diffusion: Going beyond adoption
BT Hazen, RE Overstreet, CG Cegielski
International Journal of Logistics Management 23 (1), 119–134, 2012
Leadership style and organizational innovativeness drive motor carriers toward sustained performance
RE Overstreet, JB Hanna, TA Byrd, CG Cegielski, BT Hazen
International Journal of Logistics Management 24 (2), 247–270, 2013
Suggested reporting guidelines for structural equation modeling in supply chain management research
BT Hazen, RE Overstreet, CA Boone
International Journal of Logistics Management 26 (3), 627–641, 2015
Bridging the gap between strategy and performance: Using leadership style to enable structural elements
RE Overstreet, BT Hazen, JB Skipper, JB Hanna
Journal of Business Logistics 35 (2), 136–149, 2014
Predicting public bicycle adoption using the technology acceptance model
BT Hazen, RE Overstreet, Y Wang
Sustainability 7 (11), 14558–14573, 2015
Knowledge management for logistics service providers: The role of learning culture
AL Cooper, JR Huscroft, RE Overstreet, BT Hazen
Industrial Management & Data Systems, 584–602, 2016
Predictors of the intent to adopt preventive innovations: A meta‐analysis
RE Overstreet, C Cegielski, D Hall
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43 (5), 936–946, 2013
Antecedents to and outcomes of reverse logistics metrics
BT Hazen, RE Overstreet, DJ Hall, JR Huscroft, JB Hanna
Industrial Marketing Management 46, 160–170, 2015
Travel behaviors, user characteristics, and social-economic impacts of shared transportation: A comprehensive review
Z Sun, Y Wang, H Zhou, J Jiao, RE Overstreet
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 24 (1), 51–78, 2021
A framework for investigating optimization of service parts performance with big data
CA Boone, BT Hazen, JB Skipper, RE Overstreet
Annals of Operations Research 270 (1–2), 65–74, 2018
Leavin' on my mind: Influence of safety climate on truck drivers' job attitudes and intentions to leave
SM Swartz, MA Douglas, MD Roberts, RE Overstreet
Transportation Journal 56 (2), 184–209, 2017
Art of the possible or fool's errand? Diffusion of large-scale management innovation
MA Douglas, RE Overstreet, BT Hazen
Business Horizons 59 (4), 379–389, 2016
Improving how the Air Force develops high-potential officers
ST Nolan, RE Overstreet
Air & Space Power Journal 32 (2), 21–36, 2018
Perils of road freight market deregulation: Cabotage in the European Union
HS Sternberg, E Hofmann, RE Overstreet
International Journal of Logistics Management, 333–355, 2020
Multi-study analysis of learning culture, human capital and operational performance in supply chain management: The moderating role of workforce level
RE Overstreet, JB Skipper, JR Huscroft, MJ Cherry, AL Cooper
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics 3 (1), 41–59, 2019
Effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovativeness on Motor Carrier Performance
R Overstreet
Auburn University, 2012
Digital activism to achieve meaningful institutional change: A bricolage of crowdsourcing, social media, and data analytics
V Mindel, RE Overstreet, H Sternberg, L Mathiassen, N Phillips
Research Policy 53 (3), 104951, 2024
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