Dr K. Balaji Rao
Dr K. Balaji Rao
Emeritus Scientist, CSIR-SERC
在 serc.res.in 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Development of probabilistic seismic hazard map of India
RN Iyengar, RK Chadha, K Balaji Rao, STG Raghukanth
Report on the National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India, India, 2010
Equivalent statistical quadratization and cubicization for nonlinear systems
MA Tognarelli, J Zhao, KB Rao, A Kareem
Journal of engineering mechanics 123 (5), 512-523, 1997
Evaluating the effect of corrosion on service life prediction of RC structures – A parametric study
A Ranjith, KB Rao, K Manjunath
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 5 (http://dx.doi.org …, 2016
Application of fuzzy sets for estimating service life of reinforced concrete structural members in corrosive environments
MB Anoop, KB Rao, T Rao
Engineering structures 24 (9), 1229-1242, 2002
Conversion of probabilistic information into fuzzy sets for engineering decision analysis
MB Anoop, KB Rao, S Gopalakrishnan
Computers & structures 84 (3-4), 141-155, 2006
Safety assessment of austenitic steel nuclear power plant pipelines against stress corrosion cracking in the presence of hybrid uncertainties
Anoop, B Rao, Lakshmanan
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 85 (4), 238-247, 2008
A refined methodology for durability‐based service life estimation of reinforced concrete structural elements considering fuzzy and random uncertainties
MB Anoop, BK Raghuprasad, K Balaji Rao
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 27 (3), 170-186, 2012
Early age creep of cement paste-Governing mechanisms and role of water-A microindentation study
S Mallick, MB Anoop, KB Rao
Cement and Concrete Research 116, 284-298, 2019
Experimental investigations on mode II fracture of concrete with crushed granite stone fine aggregate replacing sand
KB Rao, VB Desai, DJ Mohan
Materials Research 15, 41-50, 2012
Application of fuzzy sets for remaining life assessment of corrosion affected reinforced concrete bridge girders
MB Anoop, K Balaji Rao
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 21 (2), 166-171, 2007
Creep of cement paste containing fly ash-an investigation using microindentation technique
S Mallick, MB Anoop, KB Rao
Cement and Concrete Research 121, 21-36, 2019
Long-Term Prestress Loss and Camber of Box-Girder Bridge.
P Kamatchi, KB Rao, B Dhayalini, S Saibabu, S Parivallal, K Ravisankar, ...
ACI Structural Journal 111 (6), 2014
Probabilistic analysis of Mode II fracture of concrete with crushed granite stone fine aggregate replacing sand
KB Rao, VB Desai, DJ Mohan
Construction and building Materials 27 (1), 319-330, 2012
Probabilistic analysis of Mode II fracture of concrete with crushed granite stone fine aggregate replacing sand
KB Rao, VB Desai, DJ Mohan
Construction and Building Materials 27 (1), 319-330, 2012
Probabilistic failure analysis of austenitic nuclear pipelines against stress corrosion cracking
C Priya, KB Rao, MB Anoop, N Lakshmanan, V Gopika, HS Kushwaha, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2005
Probabilistic analysis of the cracking of RC beams
P Desayi, KB Rao
Materials and Structures 20, 408-417, 1987
Experimental determination of statistical parameters associated with uniaxial compression behaviour of brick masonry
SR Balasubramanian, D Maheswari, A Cynthia, KB Rao, AM Prasad, ...
CURRENT SCIENCE 109 (11), 2094-2102, 2015
Probabilistic fatigue life analysis of welded steel plate railway bridge girders using S–N curve approach
KB Rao, MB Anoop, G Raghava, M Prakash, A Rajadurai
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2013
Risk-based remaining life assessment of corrosion affected reinforced concrete structural members
K Balaji Rao, MB Anoop, N Lakshmanan, S Gopalakrishnan, T Appa Rao
Journal of Structural Engineering (SERC), 2004
Time‐variant reliability analysis of RC bridge girders subjected to corrosion–shear limit state
AP Vatteri, K Balaji Rao, AM Bharathan
Structural Concrete 17 (2), 162-174, 2016
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