Hui Ding
iPro54-PseKNC: a sequence-based predictor for identifying sigma-54 promoters in prokaryote with pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition
H Lin, EZ Deng, H Ding, W Chen, KC Chou
Nucleic acids research 42 (21), 12961-12972, 2014
iNuc-PseKNC: a sequence-based predictor for predicting nucleosome positioning in genomes with pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition
SH Guo, EZ Deng, LQ Xu, H Ding, H Lin, W Chen, KC Chou
Bioinformatics 30 (11), 1522-1529, 2014
iACP: a sequence-based tool for identifying anticancer peptides
W Chen, H Ding, P Feng, H Lin, KC Chou
Oncotarget 7 (13), 16895, 2016
iRNA-Methyl: Identifying N6-methyladenosine sites using pseudo nucleotide composition
W Chen, P Feng, H Ding, H Lin, KC Chou
Analytical biochemistry 490, 26-33, 2015
iDNA6mA-PseKNC: Identifying DNA N6-methyladenosine sites by incorporating nucleotide physicochemical properties into PseKNC
P Feng, H Yang, H Ding, H Lin, W Chen, KC Chou
Genomics 111 (1), 96-102, 2019
iRNA-PseColl: identifying the occurrence sites of different RNA modifications by incorporating collective effects of nucleotides into PseKNC
P Feng, H Ding, H Yang, W Chen, H Lin, KC Chou
Molecular therapy Nucleic acids 7, 155-163, 2017
iDNA4mC: identifying DNA N4-methylcytosine sites based on nucleotide chemical properties
W Chen, H Yang, P Feng, H Ding, H Lin
Bioinformatics 33 (22), 3518-3523, 2017
Predicting subcellular localization of mycobacterial proteins by using Chou's pseudo amino acid composition
H Lin, H Ding, FB Guo, AY Zhang, J Huang
Protein and peptide letters 15 (7), 739-744, 2008
Ictx‐type: a sequence‐based predictor for identifying the types of conotoxins in targeting ion channels
H Ding, EZ Deng, LF Yuan, L Liu, H Lin, W Chen, KC Chou
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 286419, 2014
Prediction of cell wall lytic enzymes using Chou's amphiphilic pseudo amino acid composition
H Ding, L Luo, H Lin
Protein and peptide letters 16 (4), 351-355, 2009
iRNA-3typeA: identifying three types of modification at RNA’s adenosine sites
W Chen, P Feng, H Yang, H Ding, H Lin, KC Chou
Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 11, 468-474, 2018
iRNA-AI: identifying the adenosine to inosine editing sites in RNA sequences
W Chen, P Feng, H Yang, H Ding, H Lin, KC Chou
Oncotarget 8 (3), 4208, 2016
Identify origin of replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using two-step feature selection technique
FY Dao, H Lv, F Wang, CQ Feng, H Ding, W Chen, H Lin
Bioinformatics 35 (12), 2075-2083, 2019
Identification of bacteriophage virion proteins by the ANOVA feature selection and analysis
H Ding, PM Feng, W Chen, H Lin
Molecular BioSystems 10 (8), 2229-2235, 2014
Naive Bayes classifier with feature selection to identify phage virion proteins
PM Feng, H Ding, W Chen, H Lin
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2013 (1), 530696, 2013
iRNA (m6A)-PseDNC: identifying N6-methyladenosine sites using pseudo dinucleotide composition
W Chen, H Ding, X Zhou, H Lin, KC Chou
Analytical biochemistry 561, 59-65, 2018
Predicting ion channels and their types by the dipeptide mode of pseudo amino acid composition
H Lin, H Ding
Journal of theoretical biology 269 (1), 64-69, 2011
Prediction of subcellular localization of apoptosis protein using Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition
H Lin, H Wang, H Ding, YL Chen, QZ Li
Acta biotheoretica 57, 321-330, 2009
iProEP: a computational predictor for predicting promoter
HY Lai, ZY Zhang, ZD Su, W Su, H Ding, W Chen, H Lin
Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 17, 337-346, 2019
iRNA-2OM: A Sequence-Based Predictor for Identifying 2′-O-Methylation Sites in Homo sapiens
H Yang, H Lv, H Ding, W Chen, H Lin
Journal of computational biology 25 (11), 1266-1277, 2018
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