Gyusub Lee
Gyusub Lee
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DC current and voltage droop control method of hybrid HVDC systems for an offshore wind farm connection to enhance AC voltage stability
GS Lee, DH Kwon, SI Moon
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (1), 468-479, 2020
A new local control method of interlinking converters to improve global power sharing in an islanded hybrid AC/DC microgrid
JW Chang, SI Moon, GS Lee, PI Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 35 (2), 1014-1025, 2020
A novel distributed control method for interlinking converters in an islanded hybrid AC/DC microgrid
JW Chang, GS Lee, SI Moon, PI Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 3765-3779, 2021
A coordinated control strategy for LCC HVDC systems for frequency support with suppression of AC voltage fluctuations
GS Lee, DH Kwon, SI Moon, PI Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (4), 2804-2815, 2020
Evaluation for maximum allowable capacity of renewable energy source considering ac system strength measures
YK Kim, GS Lee, JS Yoon, SI Moon
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13 (2), 1123-1134, 2022
Voltage-sensitivity-approach-based adaptive droop control strategy of hybrid STATCOM
S Song, C Han, GS Lee, RA McCann, G Jang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (1), 389-401, 2020
A new communication-free grid frequency and AC voltage control of hybrid LCC-VSC-HVDC systems for offshore wind farm integration
GS Lee, DH Kwon, YK Kim, SI Moon
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (2), 1309-1321, 2022
Coordinated frequency and state-of-charge control with multi-battery energy storage systems and diesel generators in an isolated microgrid
JW Chang, GS Lee, HJ Moon, MB Glick, SI Moon
Energies 12 (9), 1614, 2019
Distributed optimal power sharing strategy in an islanded hybrid AC/DC microgrid to improve efficiency
JW Chang, S Chae, GS Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 38 (1), 724-737, 2022
An improved AC system strength measure for evaluation of power stability and temporary overvoltage in hybrid multi-infeed HVDC systems
YK Kim, GS Lee, CK Kim, SI Moon
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 37 (1), 638-649, 2021
Loss minimization of electrified railway traction systems using SVC based on particle swarm optimization
GS Lee, PI Hwang, BG Lee, SI Moon
IEEE Access 8, 219680-219689, 2020
Reactive power control method for the LCC rectifier side of a hybrid HVDC system exploiting DC voltage adjustment and switched shunt device control
GS Lee, DH Kwon, SI Moon, PI Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 35 (3), 1575-1587, 2019
Method for determining the droop coefficients of hybrid multi-terminal HVDC systems to suppress AC voltage fluctuations
GS Lee, DH Kwon, SI Moon
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6), 4944-4947, 2020
Optimal operation of critical peak pricing for an energy retailer considering balancing costs
HY Song, GS Lee, YT Yoon
Energies 12 (24), 4658, 2019
Reactive power control operation scheme of LCC-HVDC for maximizing shunt capacitor size in AC systems
G Lee, S Moon, R Kim, C Kim
2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 1-5, 2015
A Frequency–Power Droop Coefficient Determination Method of Mixed Line-Commutated and Voltage-Sourced Converter Multi-Infeed, High-Voltage, Direct Current Systems: An Actual …
G Lee, S Moon, P Hwang
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 606, 2019
Bus impedance matrix estimation using non-PMU measurements
JW Chang, GS Lee, S Oh
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (2), 1743-1746, 2023
Reactive power control of hybrid multi-terminal HVDC systems considering the interaction between the AC network and multiple LCCs
GS Lee, PI Hwang, SI Moon
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 4562-4574, 2021
Control strategy for hybrid high-voltage DC systems connecting voltage-weak grids
G Lee, D Kwon, S Moon, C Kim
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
Optimization of iron and steel manufacturing plant considering electricity price tariff and electric arc furnace control
SY Lee, GS Lee, SI Moon, YT Yoon
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 17 (22), 5027-5040, 2023
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