Monique Tourell
Monique Tourell
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Queensland
在 uq.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Singlet-assisted diffusion-NMR (SAD-NMR): redefining the limits when measuring tortuosity in porous media
MC Tourell, IA Pop, LJ Brown, RCD Brown, G Pileio
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (20), 13705-13713, 2018
QSMxT: Robust masking and artifact reduction for quantitative susceptibility mapping
AW Stewart, SD Robinson, K O’Brien, J Jin, G Widhalm, G Hangel, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 87 (3), 1289-1300, 2022
Molecular dynamics of a hydrated collagen peptide: insights into rotational motion and residence times of single-water bridges in collagen
MC Tourell, KI Momot
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (49), 12432-12443, 2016
Transverse relaxation‐based assessment of mammographic density and breast tissue composition by single‐sided portable NMR
TS Ali, MC Tourell, HJ Hugo, C Pyke, S Yang, T Lloyd, EW Thompson, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 82 (3), 1199-1213, 2019
Correlative visualization of root mucilage degradation using X-ray CT and MRI
A Van Veelen, MC Tourell, N Koebernick, G Pileio, T Roose
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 32, 2018
T1‐based sensing of mammographic density using single‐sided portable NMR
MC Tourell, TS Ali, HJ Hugo, C Pyke, S Yang, T Lloyd, EW Thompson, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 80 (3), 1243-1251, 2018
Diffusion tensor of water in partially aligned fibre networks
MC Tourell, SK Powell, KI Momot
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (45), 455401, 2013
The distribution of the apparent diffusion coefficient as an indicator of the response to chemotherapeutics in ovarian tumour xenografts
MC Tourell, A Shokoohmand, M Landgraf, NP Holzapfel, PSP Poh, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 42905, 2017
Quantifying collagen fibre architecture in articular cartilage using small-angle X-ray scattering
S Tadimalla, MC Tourell, R Knott, KI Momot
Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging 6 (1-2), 37-57, 2017
Load‐induced changes in the diffusion tensor of ovine anulus fibrosus: a pilot MRI study
MC Tourell, M Kirkwood, MJ Pearcy, KI Momot, JP Little
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 45 (6), 1723-1735, 2017
Quantification of breast tissue density: Correlation between single-sided portable NMR and micro-CT measurements
X Huang, TS Ali, T Nano, T Blick, BWC Tse, K Sokolowski, MC Tourell, ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 62, 111-120, 2019
Assessment of collagen fiber orientation dispersion in articular cartilage by small-angle X-ray scattering and diffusion tensor imaging: Preliminary results
S Tadimalla, MC Tourell, R Knott, KI Momot
Magnetic resonance imaging, 2018
Segmented 3D EPI with CAIPIRINHA for fast, high-resolution T2*-weighted imaging
J Jin, M Tourell, P Sati, S Patil, K Liu, J Derbyshire, F Han, S Bollmann, ...
Proceedings 2021 Annual Meet ISMRM 4190, 2021
Looking beyond the mammogram to assess mammographic density: A narrative review
HJ Hugo, MC Tourell, PM O’Gorman, AE Paige, RM Wellard, T Lloyd, ...
Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging 7 (1-2), 63-80, 2018
Improved dynamic distortion correction for fMRI using single‐echo EPI and a readout‐reversed first image (REFILL)
SD Robinson, B Bachrata, K Eckstein, S Bollmann, S Bollmann, ...
Human Brain Mapping 44 (15), 5095-5112, 2023
Fast, High-resolution Whole Brain SWI and QSM with CAIPIRINHA 3D-EPI and Deep Learning Reconstruction
J Jin, D Nickel, J Pfeuffer, M Tourell, A Stewart, S Bollmann, S Bollmann, ...
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting ISMRM, 2024
Super-resolution QSM in little or no additional time for imaging (NATIve) using 2D EPI imaging in 3 orthogonal planes
B Bachrata, S Bollmann, J Jin, M Tourell, A Dal-Bianco, S Trattnig, ...
Neuroimage 283, 120419, 2023
Evaluation of the REFILL dynamic distortion correction method for fMRI
S Robinson, B Bachrata, K Eckstein, B Dymerska, S Bollmann, ...
Proceedings 2022 ISMRM SMRT Annual Meet Exhib Virtual 671, 2022
Submillimeter, sub-m inute quantitative susceptibility mapping using a multi-shot 3D-E PI with 2D CAIPIRINHA acceleration
M Tourell, J Jin, A Stewart, S Bollmann, S Bollmann, S Robinson, ...
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Virtual Conference 787, 2021
Clinical viable QSM using accelerated, segmented 3D EPI with inline, automated QSM post-processing
M Tourell, A Stewart, J Jin, S Patil, K O'Brien, S Robinson, M Barth
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Virtual Conference 3221, 2020
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