Tatsuhiko Sato
Tatsuhiko Sato
在 jaea.go.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Features of Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code system (PHITS) version 3.02
T Sato, Y Iwamoto, S Hashimoto, T Ogawa, T Furuta, S Abe, T Kai, ...
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 55 (6), 684-690, 2018
Particle and heavy ion transport code system, PHITS, version 2.52
T Sato, K Niita, N Matsuda, S Hashimoto, Y Iwamoto, S Noda, T Ogawa, ...
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 50 (9), 913-923, 2013
Scaling in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates using analytical approximations to atmospheric cosmic-ray fluxes
N Lifton, T Sato, TJ Dunai
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 386, 149-160, 2014
PHITS—a particle and heavy ion transport code system
K Niita, T Sato, H Iwase, H Nose, H Nakashima, L Sihver
Radiation measurements 41 (9-10), 1080-1090, 2006
Development of PARMA: PHITS-based analytical radiation model in the atmosphere
T Sato, H Yasuda, K Niita, A Endo, L Sihver
Radiation research 170 (2), 244-259, 2008
Analytical functions to predict cosmic-ray neutron spectra in the atmosphere
T Sato, K Niita
Radiation research 166 (3), 544-555, 2006
Analytical model for estimating terrestrial cosmic ray fluxes nearly anytime and anywhere in the world: Extension of PARMA/EXPACS
T Sato
PloS one 10 (12), e0144679, 2015
Benchmark study of the recent version of the PHITS code
Y Iwamoto, T Sato, S Hashimoto, T Ogawa, T Furuta, S Abe, T Kai, ...
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 54 (5), 617-635, 2017
Analytical model for estimating the zenith angle dependence of terrestrial cosmic ray fluxes
T Sato
PloS one 11 (8), e0160390, 2016
Recent improvements of the particle and heavy ion transport code system–PHITS version 3.33
T Sato, Y Iwamoto, S Hashimoto, T Ogawa, T Furuta, SI Abe, T Kai, ...
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 61 (1), 127-135, 2024
PHITS: Particle and heavy ion transport code system, version 2.23
K Niita, N Matsuda, Y Iwamoto, T Sato, H Nakashima, Y Sakamoto, ...
Biological dose estimation for charged-particle therapy using an improved PHITS code coupled with a microdosimetric kinetic model
T Sato, Y Kase, R Watanabe, K Niita, L Sihver
Radiation research 171 (1), 107-117, 2009
Transport model comparison studies of intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
H Wolter, M Colonna, D Cozma, P Danielewicz, CM Ko, R Kumar, A Ono, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 125, 103962, 2022
Cell survival fraction estimation based on the probability densities of domain and cell nucleus specific energies using improved microdosimetric kinetic models
T Sato, Y Furusawa
Radiation research 178 (4), 341-356, 2012
Fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients for neutrons and protons calculated using the PHITS code and ICRP/ICRU adult reference computational phantoms
T Sato, A Endo, M Zankl, N Petoussi-Henss, K Niita
Physics in Medicine & Biology 54 (7), 1997, 2009
Extension of TOPAS for the simulation of proton radiation effects considering molecular and cellular endpoints
L Polster, J Schuemann, I Rinaldi, L Burigo, AL McNamara, RD Stewart, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 60 (13), 5053, 2015
The Martian surface radiation environment–a comparison of models and MSL/RAD measurements
D Matthiä, B Ehresmann, H Lohf, J Köhler, C Zeitlin, J Appel, T Sato, ...
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6, A13, 2016
Development of a calculation method for estimating specific energy distribution in complex radiation fields
T Sato, R Watanabe, K Niita
Radiation protection dosimetry 122 (1-4), 41-45, 2006
ICRP Publication 123: Assessment of radiation exposure of astronauts in space
G Dietze, DT Bartlett, DA Cool, FA Cucinotta, X Jia, IR McAulay, ...
Annals of the ICRP 42 (4), 1-339, 2013
Microdosimetric Modeling of Biological Effectiveness for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Considering Intra- and Intercellular Heterogeneity in 10B Distribution
T Sato, S Masunaga, H Kumada, N Hamada
Scientific reports 8 (1), 988, 2018
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