Acquiredtheory of mind'impairments following stroke F Happé, H Brownell, E Winner Cognition 70 (3), 211-240, 1999 | 756 | 1999 |
The getting of wisdom: theory of mind in old age. FGE Happé, E Winner, H Brownell Developmental psychology 34 (2), 358, 1998 | 656 | 1998 |
Inference deficits in right brain-damaged patients HH Brownell, HH Potter, AM Bihrle, H Gardner Brain and language 27 (2), 310-321, 1986 | 556 | 1986 |
Surprise but not coherence: Sensitivity to verbal humor in right-hemisphere patients HH Brownell, D Michel, J Powelson, H Gardner Brain and language 18 (1), 20-27, 1983 | 553 | 1983 |
Distinguishing lies from jokes: Theory of mind deficits and discourse interpretation in right hemisphere brain-damaged patients E Winner, H Brownell, F Happé, A Blum, D Pincus Brain and language 62 (1), 89-106, 1998 | 536 | 1998 |
Appreciation of metaphoric alternative word meanings by left and right brain-damaged patients HH Brownell, TL Simpson, AM Bihrle, HH Potter, H Gardner Neuropsychologia 28 (4), 375-383, 1990 | 428 | 1990 |
Comprehension of humorous and nonhumorous materials by left and right brain-damaged patients AM Bihrle, HH Brownell, JA Powelson, H Gardner Brain and cognition 5 (4), 399-411, 1986 | 417 | 1986 |
Missing the point H Gardner Cognitive processing in the right hemisphere, 169-192, 1983 | 401 | 1983 |
Category differentiation in object recognition: typicality constraints on the basic category advantage. GL Murphy, HH Brownell Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 11 (1), 70, 1985 | 375 | 1985 |
The effects of right hemisphere damage on the pragmatic interpretation of conversational remarks JA Kaplan, HH Brownell, JR Jacobs, H Gardner Brain and language 38 (2), 315-333, 1990 | 349 | 1990 |
Does reading a single passage of literary fiction really improve theory of mind? An attempt at replication. ME Panero, DS Weisberg, J Black, TR Goldstein, JL Barnes, H Brownell, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 111 (5), e46, 2016 | 336 | 2016 |
Sensitivity to lexical denotation and connotation in brain-damaged patients: A double dissociation? HH Brownell, HH Potter, D Michelow, H Gardner Brain and language 22 (2), 253-265, 1984 | 326 | 1984 |
Appreciation of indirect requests by left-and right-brain-damaged patients: The effects of verbal context and conventionality of wording ST Weylman, HH Brownell, M Roman, H Gardner Brain and language 36 (4), 580-591, 1989 | 246 | 1989 |
Deficits in inference and social cognition: The effects of right hemisphere brain damage H Brownell, G Martino Right hemisphere language comprehension: Perspectives from cognitive …, 1998 | 182 | 1998 |
Discourse ability and brain damage: Theoretical and empirical perspectives Y Joanette, H Brownell Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 180 | 2012 |
The semantic deficit hypothesis: Perceptual parsing and object classification by aphasic patients A Caramazza, RS Berndt, HH Brownell Brain and language 15 (1), 161-189, 1982 | 177 | 1982 |
Speed of lexical activation in nonfluent Broca's aphasia and fluent Wernicke's aphasia PA Prather, E Zurif, T Love, H Brownell Brain and language 59 (3), 391-411, 1997 | 172 | 1997 |
The allocation of memory resources during sentence comprehension: Evidence from the elderly E Zurif, D Swinney, P Prather, A Wingfield, H Brownell Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 24, 165-182, 1995 | 166 | 1995 |
Discourse comprehension by right-hemisphere stroke patients: Deficits of prediction and revision R Molloy, HH Brownell, H Gardner Discourse ability and brain damage: Theoretical and empirical perspectives …, 1990 | 150 | 1990 |
The use of pronoun anaphora and speaker mood in the interpretation of conversational utterances by right hemisphere brain-damaged patients HH Brownell, JJ Carroll, A Rehak, A Wingfield Brain and language 43 (1), 121-147, 1992 | 140 | 1992 |