Ebrahim Farjah
Ebrahim Farjah
Professor (Full) At Shiraz University
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Power control and management in a hybrid AC/DC microgrid
N Eghtedarpour, E Farjah
IEEE transactions on smart grid 5 (3), 1494-1505, 2014
An efficient regenerative braking system based on battery/supercapacitor for electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with BLDC motor
F Naseri, E Farjah, T Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (5), 3724-3738, 2016
Probabilistic Analysis of Plug-In Electric Vehicles Impact on Electrical Grid Through Homes and Parking Lots
S Rezaee, E Farjah, B Khorramdel
IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy 4 (4), 1024-1033, 2013
Distributed charge/discharge control of energy storages in a renewable‐energy‐based DC micro‐grid
N Eghtedarpour, E Farjah
IET Renewable Power Generation 8 (1), 45-57, 2014
Supercapacitor management system: A comprehensive review of modeling, estimation, balancing, and protection techniques
F Naseri, S Karimi, E Farjah, E Schaltz
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155, 111913, 2022
Control strategy for distributed integration of photovoltaic and energy storage systems in DC micro-grids
N Eghtedarpour, E Farjah
Renewable energy 45, 96-110, 2012
An enhanced equivalent circuit model with real-time parameter identification for battery state-of-charge estimation
F Naseri, E Schaltz, DI Stroe, A Gismero, E Farjah
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (4), 3743-3751, 2021
A bidirectional battery charger with modular integrated charge equalization circuit
N Tashakor, E Farjah, T Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (3), 2133-2145, 2016
An efficient scenario-based and fuzzy self-adaptive learning particle swarm optimization approach for dynamic economic emission dispatch considering load and wind power …
B Bahmani-Firouzi, E Farjah, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee
Energy 50, 232-244, 2013
A Z-source-based bidirectional DC circuit breaker with fault current limitation and interruption capabilities
D Keshavarzi, T Ghanbari, E Farjah
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (9), 6813-6822, 2016
Unidirectional Fault Current Limiter: An Efficient Interface Between the Microgrid and Main Network
T Ghanbari, E Farjah
IEEE Transaction on power systems 28 (2), 1591-1598, 2013
Hybrid DC circuit breaker and fault current limiter with optional interruption capability
D Keshavarzi, E Farjah, T Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (3), 2330-2338, 2017
Application of an efficient Rogowski coil sensor for switch fault diagnosis and capacitor ESR monitoring in nonisolated single-switch DC–DC converters
E Farjah, H Givi, T Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (2), 1442-1456, 2016
Switch and diode fault diagnosis in nonisolated DC–DC converters using diode voltage signature
H Givi, E Farjah, T Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (2), 1606-1615, 2017
Development of an efficient solid-state fault current limiter for microgrid
T Ghanbari, E Farjah
IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery 27 (4), 1829-1834, 2012
Online parameter estimation for supercapacitor state-of-energy and state-of-health determination in vehicular applications
F Naseri, E Farjah, T Ghanbari, Z Kazemi, E Schaltz, JL Schanen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (9), 7963-7972, 2019
Fast discrimination of transformer magnetizing current from internal faults: An extended Kalman filter-based approach
F Naseri, Z Kazemi, MM Arefi, E Farjah
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (1), 110-118, 2017
A new algorithm for combined heat and power dynamic economic dispatch considering valve-point effects
B Bahmani-Firouzi, E Farjah, A Seifi
Energy 52, 320-332, 2013
A comprehensive monitoring system for online fault diagnosis and aging detection of non-isolated DC–DC converters’ components
H Givi, E Farjah, T Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (7), 6858-6875, 2018
A novel optimizing power control strategy for centralized wind farm control system
FM Ebrahimi, A Khayatiyan, E Farjah
Renewable energy 86, 399-408, 2016
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