An analytical study of the performance indices of air spring suspensions over the passive suspension MM Moheyeldein, AM Abd-El-Tawwab, KA Abd El-gwwad, MMM Salem Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (4), 525-534, 2018 | 81 | 2018 |
A preliminary experimental investigation of a new wedge disc brake MM Makrahy, MG Nouby, KA Abd El-Gwwad, NM Ghazaly Nouby M. Ghazaly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications …, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Optmization of operation parameteres on a novel wedge disc brake by taguchi method MM Makrahy, NM Ghazaly, KA Abd El-Gwwad, KR Mahmoud, ... American Journal of Vehicle Design 1 (2), 30-35, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Sensitivity Analysis of Vehicle Parameters on Dynamic Stability and Vehicle Handling Performance. MMM Salem, MM Ibrahim, MA Mourad, KA Abd-El-Gwwad International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems (IJVSS) 13 (1), 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Evaluation of gasoline engine piston with various coating materials using finite element method NM Ghazaly Automotive Science and Engineering 9 (2), 2942-2948, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Finite Element Thermal Analysis of A Ceramic Coated Si Engine Piston Considering Coating Thickness MG Fouad, NM Ghazaly, AM Abd-El-Tawwab, KA Abd El Gwwad American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 6 (2), 109-113, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Estimation of Dynamic Forces for Agricultural Tractor Soil-Tyre Interaction Mechanics. M Rabia, NM Ghazaly, A El-Gwwad, AO Moaaz International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems (IJVSS) 16 (2), 2024 | | 2024 |
Experimental Investigation of Water Spray and Inclination Angle Influence on Wedge Disc Braking Force. MM Makrahy, KRM Mahmoud, NM Ghazaly, KA Abd El-Gwwad, AM Ab International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems (IJVSS) 7 (2), 2015 | | 2015 |
Evaluation of Gasoline Engine Piston with Various Coating Materials Using Finite Element Method GF Nouby Ghazaly, A Abd-El-Tawwab, KA Abd El-Gwwad | | |
International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Sciences N Ghazaly, G Fouad, A Abd-El-Tawwab, KA Abd El-Gwwad | | |
Determination of Significant Geometric Parameters Based on Taguchi Method for Improving Wedge Disc Brake MM Makrahy, AM Abd-El-Tawwab, KA Abd El-Gwwad, NM Ghazaly | | |