Hongbiao Dong
Using deep neural network with small dataset to predict material defects
S Feng, H Zhou, H Dong
Materials & Design 162, 300-310, 2019
Simulation of the columnar-to-equiaxed transition in directionally solidified Al–Cu alloys
HB Dong, PD Lee
Acta Materialia 53 (3), 659-668, 2005
Revealing internal flow behaviour in arc welding and additive manufacturing of metals
L Aucott, H Dong, W Mirihanage, R Atwood, A Kidess, S Gao, S Wen, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 5414, 2018
Microscale simulation of stray grain formation in investment cast turbine blades
XL Yang, HB Dong, W Wang, PD Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 386 (1-2), 129-139, 2004
The initiation and propagation mechanism of the overlapping zone cracking during laser solid forming of IN-738LC superalloy
J Xu, X Lin, P Guo, H Dong, X Wen, Q Li, L Xue, W Huang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 749, 859-870, 2018
Solidification path in third-generation Ni-based superalloys, with an emphasis on last stage solidification
N D’souza, HB Dong
Scripta Materialia 56 (1), 41-44, 2007
Seeding of single-crystal superalloys—Role of constitutional undercooling and primary dendrite orientation on stray-grain nucleation and growth
N D’souza, PA Jennings, XL Yang, PD Lee, M McLean, HB Dong
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 36, 657-666, 2005
Blistering in semi-solid die casting of aluminium alloys and its avoidance
XG Hu, Q Zhu, SP Midson, HV Atkinson, HB Dong, F Zhang, YL Kang
Acta Materialia 124, 446-455, 2017
Grain selection in spiral selectors during investment casting of single-crystal turbine blades: Part I. Experimental investigation
HJ Dai, N D’souza, HB Dong
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 3430-3438, 2011
Recrystallization and microstructure evolution of the rolled Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy strips under electropulsing treatment
Y Liu, J Fan, H Zhang, W Jin, H Dong, B Xu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 622, 229-235, 2015
HAZ liquation cracking mechanism of IN-738LC superalloy prepared by laser solid forming
J Xu, X Lin, Y Zhao, P Guo, X Wen, Q Li, H Yang, H Dong, L Xue, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 5118-5136, 2018
A time-dependent power law viscosity model and its application in modelling semi-solid die casting of 319s alloy
XG Hu, Q Zhu, HV Atkinson, HX Lu, F Zhang, HB Dong, YL Kang
Acta Materialia 124, 410-420, 2017
Grain selection in spiral selectors during investment casting of single-crystal components: Part II. Numerical modeling
HJ Dai, HB Dong, N D’souza, JC Gebelin, RC Reed
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 3439-3446, 2011
Initiation and growth kinetics of solidification cracking during welding of steel
L Aucott, D Huang, HB Dong, SW Wen, JA Marsden, A Rack, ACF Cocks
Scientific reports 7 (1), 40255, 2017
On directional dendritic growth and primary spacing—A review
J Strickland, B Nenchev, H Dong
Crystals 10 (7), 627, 2020
Molecular dynamics calculation of solid–liquid interfacial free energy and its anisotropy during iron solidification
J Liu, RL Davidchack, HB Dong
Computational materials science 74, 92-100, 2013
Effect of pre-existing {101 2} extension twins on mechanical properties, microstructure evolution and dynamic recrystallization of AZ31 Mg alloy during uniaxial compression
H Zhang, M Yang, M Hou, L Wang, Q Zhang, J Fan, W Li, H Dong, S Liu, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 744, 456-470, 2019
Improved mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets by repeated cold rolling and annealing using a small pass reduction
H Zhang, W Cheng, J Fan, B Xu, H Dong
Materials Science and Engineering: A 637, 243-250, 2015
Deep drawability and drawing behaviour of AZ31 alloy sheets with different initial texture
H Zhang, G Huang, J Fan, HJ Roven, B Xu, H Dong
Journal of alloys and compounds 615, 302-310, 2014
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of twinned AZ31 alloy plates at lower elevated temperature
H Zhang, Y Liu, J Fan, HJ Roven, W Cheng, B Xu, H Dong
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 615, 687-692, 2014
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