Carlee Joe-Wong
Carlee Joe-Wong
Robert E. Doherty Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
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Multiresource allocation: Fairness–efficiency tradeoffs in a unifying framework
C Joe-Wong, S Sen, T Lan, M Chiang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 (6), 1785-1798, 2013
TUBE: Time-dependent pricing for mobile data
S Ha, S Sen, C Joe-Wong, Y Im, M Chiang
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2012 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2012
A survey of smart data pricing: Past proposals, current plans, and future trends
S Sen, C Joe-Wong, S Ha, M Chiang
Acm computing surveys (csur) 46 (2), 1-37, 2013
Optimized day-ahead pricing for smart grids with device-specific scheduling flexibility
C Joe-Wong, S Sen, S Ha, M Chiang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30 (6), 1075-1085, 2012
How to bid the cloud
L Zheng, C Joe-Wong, CW Tan, M Chiang, X Wang
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 45 (4), 71-84, 2015
Distributed inference acceleration with adaptive DNN partitioning and offloading
T Mohammed, C Joe-Wong, R Babbar, M Di Francesco
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE conference on computer communications, 854-863, 2020
Behavior-based grade prediction for MOOCs via time series neural networks
TY Yang, CG Brinton, C Joe-Wong, M Chiang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (5), 716-728, 2017
Incentivizing time-shifting of data: a survey of time-dependent pricing for internet access
S Sen, C Joe-Wong, S Ha, M Chiang
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (11), 91-99, 2012
MOVI: A model-free approach to dynamic fleet management
T Oda, C Joe-Wong
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2708-2716, 2018
ilocus: Incentivizing vehicle mobility to optimize sensing distribution in crowd sensing
S Xu, X Chen, X Pi, C Joe-Wong, P Zhang, HY Noh
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19 (8), 1831-1847, 2019
Towards flexible device participation in federated learning
Y Ruan, X Zhang, SC Liang, C Joe-Wong
International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics, 3403-3411, 2021
Sponsoring mobile data: Analyzing the impact on internet stakeholders
C Joe-Wong, S Sen, S Ha
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (3), 1179-1192, 2018
Network-aware optimization of distributed learning for fog computing
S Wang, Y Ruan, Y Tu, S Wagle, CG Brinton, C Joe-Wong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 29 (5), 2019-2032, 2021
Fedsoft: Soft clustered federated learning with proximal local updating
Y Ruan, C Joe-Wong
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (7), 8124-8131, 2022
AMUSE: Empowering users for cost-aware offloading with throughput-delay tradeoffs
Y Im, C Joe-Wong, S Ha, S Sen, M Chiang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (5), 1062-1076, 2015
Time-dependent broadband pricing: Feasibility and benefits
C Joe-Wong, S Ha, M Chiang
Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2011 31st International Conference on …, 2011
Pas: Prediction-based actuation system for city-scale ridesharing vehicular mobile crowdsensing
X Chen, S Xu, J Han, H Fu, X Pi, C Joe-Wong, Y Li, L Zhang, HY Noh, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (5), 3719-3734, 2020
On the viability of a cloud virtual service provider
L Zheng, C Joe-Wong, CG Brinton, CW Tan, S Ha, M Chiang
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 44 (1), 235-248, 2016
Secondary markets for mobile data: Feasibility and benefits of traded data plans
L Zheng, C Joe-Wong, CW Tan, S Ha, M Chiang
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1580-1588, 2015
FedGCN: convergence-communication tradeoffs in federated training of graph convolutional networks
Y Yao, W Jin, S Ravi, C Joe-Wong
Advances in neural information processing systems 36, 79748-79760, 2023
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