Mehdi Tavan
Mehdi Tavan
在 srbiau.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
An optimal integrated longitudinal and lateral dynamic controller development for vehicle path tracking
N Tavan, M Tavan, R Hosseini
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 12, 1006-1023, 2015
Observer based control scheme for DC-DC boost converter using sigma–delta modulator
M Malekzadeh, A Khosravi, M Tavan
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2018
A novel adaptive output feedback control for DC–DC boost converter using immersion and invariance observer
M Malekzadeh, A Khosravi, M Tavan
Evolving Systems 11, 707-715, 2020
Immersion and invariance adaptive velocity observer for a class of Euler–Lagrange mechanical systems
M Tavan, A Khaki-Sedigh, MR Arvan, AR Vali
Nonlinear Dynamics 85 (1), 425-437, 2016
Adaptive type-2 fuzzy PID controller for LFC in AC microgrid
K Sabahi, M Tavan, A Hajizadeh
Soft Computing 25, 7423-7434, 2021
Immersion and invariance-based filtered transformation with application to estimator design for a class of DC-DC converters
M Malekzadeh, A Khosravi, M Tavan
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 41 (5), 1323-1330, 2019
Overcoming the Detectability Obstacle in Adaptive Output Feedback Control of DC–DC Boost Converter With Unknown Load
M Tavan, K Sabahi, A Hajizadeh, MN Soltani, K Jessen
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (6), 2678-2686, 2021
Self-tuning fuzzy PID controller for load frequency control in AC micro-grid with considering of input delay
R Shahedi, K Sabahi, M Tavan, A Hajizadeh
Journal of Intelligent Procedures in Electrical Technology 9 (35), 19-26, 2018
An immersion and invariance based input voltage and resistive load observer for DC–DC boost converter
M Malekzadeh, A Khosravi, M Tavan
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-13, 2020
A novel sensorless control scheme for DC-DC boost converter with global exponential stability
M Malekzadeh, A Khosravi, M Tavan
The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (7), 338, 2019
Adaptive type-2 fuzzy PID LFC for an interconnected power system considering input time-delay
K Sabahi, A Hajizadeh, M Tavan, A Feliachi
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 23 (4), 1042-1054, 2021
Stability of feedback error learning for linear systems
M Tavan, MA Shoorehdeli, ARZ Bidaki
Milano, Italy, IFAC World Congress, 2011
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning Based Adaptive PID Load Frequency Control of an AC Micro-Grid Apprentissage par renforcement du gradient de la …
K Sabahi, M Jamil, Y Shokri-Kalandaragh, M Tavan, Y Arya
IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2024
Adaptive T2FPID Controller for Load Frequency Control in a Nonlinear Time-delay Power System
K Sabahi, M Tavan, A Hajizadeh
Computational Intelligence in Electrical Engineering 11 (4), 81-92, 2020
A filtered transformation via dynamic matrix to state and parameter estimation for a class of second order systems
M Tavan, K Sabahi, A Hajizadeh
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 17 (9), 2242-2251, 2019
Output Feedback Control of DC-DC Converters with Unknown Load: An Application of I&I Based Filtered Transformation
M Tavan, K Sabahi, A Hajizadeh, M Soltani, M Savaghebi
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4725-4729, 2021
Lyapunov–Krasovskii based FPID controller for LFC in a time-delayed micro-grid system with fuel cell power units
K Sabahi, A Hajizadeh, M Tavan
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2021
X–Y pedestal: partial quasi-linearization and cascade-based global output feedback tracking control
M Tavan, A Khaki-Sedigh, MR Arvan, AR Vali
Nonlinear Dynamics 81 (3), 1459-1473, 2015
Direct and indirect output feedback design for TORA system
M Tavan, A Khaki-Sedigh, S Pakzad
2014 American Control Conference, 4649-4652, 2014
Designing an adaptive neural network controller for TORA system by using feedback error learning
A Taheri, M Tavan, M Teshnehlab
2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2259-2264, 2010
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