Robert P  Carlyon
Robert P Carlyon
MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge
在 mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Auditory temporal processing impairment: Neither necessary nor sufficient for causing language impairment in children
DVM Bishop, RP Carlyon, JM Deeks, SJ Bishop
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 42 (6), 1295-1310, 1999
Effects of attention and unilateral neglect on auditory stream segregation.
RP Carlyon, R Cusack, JM Foxton, IH Robertson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27 (1), 115, 2001
How the brain separates sounds
RP Carlyon
Trends in cognitive sciences 8 (10), 465-471, 2004
Predictive top-down integration of prior knowledge during speech perception
E Sohoglu, JE Peelle, RP Carlyon, MH Davis
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (25), 8443-8453, 2012
Effects of location, frequency region, and time course of selective attention on auditory scene analysis.
R Cusack, J Decks, G Aikman, RP Carlyon
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 30 (4), 643, 2004
The role of resolved and unresolved harmonics in pitch perception and frequency modulation discrimination
TM Shackleton, RP Carlyon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95 (6), 3529-3540, 1994
Perceptual organization of tone sequences in the auditory cortex of awake macaques
C Micheyl, B Tian, RP Carlyon, JP Rauschecker
Neuron 48 (1), 139-148, 2005
Swinging at a cocktail party: Voice familiarity aids speech perception in the presence of a competing voice
IS Johnsrude, A Mackey, H Hakyemez, E Alexander, HP Trang, ...
Psychological science 24 (10), 1995-2004, 2013
Perception of pitch by people with cochlear hearing loss and by cochlear implant users
BCJ Moore, RP Carlyon
Pitch: Neural coding and perception, 234-277, 2005
Comparing the fundamental frequencies of resolved and unresolved harmonics: Evidence for two pitch mechanisms?
RP Carlyon, TM Shackleton
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95 (6), 3541-3554, 1994
The role of auditory cortex in the formation of auditory streams
C Micheyl, RP Carlyon, A Gutschalk, JR Melcher, AJ Oxenham, ...
Hearing research 229 (1-2), 116-131, 2007
Perceptual learning of noise vocoded words: effects of feedback and lexicality.
A Hervais-Adelman, MH Davis, IS Johnsrude, RP Carlyon
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (2), 460, 2008
Intensity discrimination: A severe departure from Weber’s law
RP Carlyon, BCJ Moore
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 76 (5), 1369-1376, 1984
Syntax as a reflex: Neurophysiological evidence for early automaticity of grammatical processing
F Pulvermüller, Y Shtyrov, AS Hasting, RP Carlyon
Brain and language 104 (3), 244-253, 2008
Asymmetric pulses in cochlear implants: effects of pulse shape, polarity, and rate
O Macherey, A Van Wieringen, RP Carlyon, JM Deeks, J Wouters
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 7, 253-266, 2006
Cochlear implants
O Macherey, RP Carlyon
Current Biology 24 (18), R878-R884, 2014
Improved speech recognition in noise in simulated binaurally combined acoustic and electric stimulation
YY Kong, RP Carlyon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (6), 3717-3727, 2007
Higher sensitivity of human auditory nerve fibers to positive electrical currents
O Macherey, RP Carlyon, A Van Wieringen, JM Deeks, J Wouters
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 9, 241-251, 2008
Evidence for causal top-down frontal contributions to predictive processes in speech perception
TE Cope, E Sohoglu, W Sedley, K Patterson, PS Jones, J Wiggins, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2154, 2017
Brain regions recruited for the effortful comprehension of noise-vocoded words
AG Hervais-Adelman, RP Carlyon, IS Johnsrude, MH Davis
Speech recognition in adverse conditions, 193-214, 2013
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