Achintya Singha
Achintya Singha
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Two-dimensional Mott-Hubbard electrons in an artificial honeycomb lattice
A Singha, M Gibertini, B Karmakar, S Yuan, M Polini, G Vignale, ...
Science 332 (6034), 1176-1179, 2011
Engineering artificial graphene in a two-dimensional electron gas
M Gibertini, A Singha, V Pellegrini, M Polini, G Vignale, A Pinczuk, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (24), 241406, 2009
Engineering of ZnO/rGO nanocomposite photocatalyst towards rapid degradation of toxic dyes
SK Mandal, K Dutta, S Pal, S Mandal, A Naskar, PK Pal, TS Bhattacharya, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 223, 456-465, 2019
Non-equilibrium induction of tin in germanium: towards direct bandgap Ge1−xSnx nanowires
S Biswas, J Doherty, D Saladukha, Q Ramasse, D Majumdar, M Upmanyu, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11405, 2016
DNA-mediated wirelike clusters of silver nanoparticles: an ultrasensitive SERS substrate
D Majumdar, A Singha, PK Mondal, S Kundu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (16), 7798-7807, 2013
Quantitative analysis of hydrogenated diamondlike carbon films by visible Raman spectroscopy
A Singha, A Ghosh, A Roy, NR Ray
Journal of applied physics 100 (4), 2006
Au nanoparticles functionalized 3D-MoS2 nanoflower: An efficient SERS matrix for biomolecule sensing
SS Singha, S Mondal, TS Bhattacharya, L Das, K Sen, B Satpati, K Das, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 119, 10-17, 2018
Optical properties of nanocrystalline Y2O3: Eu3+
S Ray, P Pramanik, A Singha, A Roy
Journal of applied physics 97 (9), 2005
Rational surface modification of Mn 3 O 4 nanoparticles to induce multiple photoluminescence and room temperature ferromagnetism
A Giri, N Goswami, M Pal, MTZ Myint, S Al-Harthi, A Singha, B Ghosh, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (9), 1885-1895, 2013
Mn incorporated MoS2 nanoflowers: A high performance electrode material for symmetric supercapacitor
SS Singha, S Rudra, S Mondal, M Pradhan, AK Nayak, B Satpati, P Pal, ...
Electrochimica Acta 338, 135815, 2020
Hematoporphyrin–ZnO nanohybrids: twin applications in efficient visible-light photocatalysis and dye-sensitized solar cells
S Sarkar, A Makhal, T Bora, K Lakhsman, A Singha, J Dutta, SK Pal
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (12), 7027-7035, 2012
Tuning the photoluminescence and ultrasensitive trace detection properties of few-layer MoS 2 by decoration with gold nanoparticles
SS Singha, D Nandi, A Singha
RSC Advances 5 (31), 24188-24193, 2015
Clustered vacancies in ZnO: chemical aspects and consequences on physical properties
S Pal, N Gogurla, A Das, SS Singha, P Kumar, D Kanjilal, A Singha, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (10), 105107, 2018
Inherent control of growth, morphology, and defect formation in germanium nanowires
S Biswas, A Singha, MA Morris, JD Holmes
Nano letters 12 (11), 5654-5663, 2012
Emerging photoluminescence from bilayer large-area 2D MoS2 films grown by pulsed laser deposition on different substrates
A Barvat, N Prakash, B Satpati, SS Singha, G Kumar, DK Singh, A Dogra, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (1), 2017
Unprecedented catalytic activity of Mn 3 O 4 nanoparticles: potential lead of a sustainable therapeutic agent for hyperbilirubinemia
A Giri, N Goswami, C Sasmal, N Polley, D Majumdar, S Sarkar, ...
RSC Advances 4 (10), 5075-5079, 2014
Correlated electrons in optically tunable quantum dots: Building an electron dimer molecule
A Singha, V Pellegrini, A Pinczuk, LN Pfeiffer, KW West, M Rontani
Physical review letters 104 (24), 246802, 2010
Delocalized-localized transition in a semiconductor two-dimensional honeycomb lattice
G De Simoni, A Singha, M Gibertini, B Karmakar, M Polini, V Piazza, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (13), 2010
Electron and phonon confinement and surface phonon modes in CdSe–CdS core–shellnanocrystals
A Singha, B Satpati, PV Satyam, A Roy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (37), 5697, 2005
One-step fabrication of GeSn branched nanowires
J Doherty, S Biswas, D McNulty, C Downing, S Raha, C O’Regan, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (11), 4016-4024, 2019
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