Judith M. Whipple
Judith M. Whipple
Bowersox-Thull Endowed Professor of Logistics
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Examining supply chain relationships: do buyer and supplier perspectives on collaborative relationships differ?
GN Nyaga, JM Whipple, DF Lynch
Journal of operations management 28 (2), 101-114, 2010
Strategic alliance success factors
JM Whipple, R Frankel
Journal of supply chain management 36 (2), 21-28, 2000
Global supply chain design considerations: Mitigating product safety and security risks
C Speier, JM Whipple, DJ Closs, MD Voss
Journal of operations management 29 (7-8), 721-736, 2011
Building supply chain collaboration: a typology of collaborative approaches
JM Whipple, D Russell
The international journal of logistics management 18 (2), 174-196, 2007
Exploring a governance theory of supply chain management: barriers and facilitators to integration
RG Richey Jr, AS Roath, JM Whipple, SE Fawcett
Journal of business logistics 31 (1), 237-256, 2010
Customer satisfaction in food retailing: comparing specialty and conventional grocery stores
P Huddleston, J Whipple, R Nye Mattick, S Jung Lee
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 37 (1), 63-80, 2009
A buyer's perspective on collaborative versus transactional relationships
JM Whipple, DF Lynch, GN Nyaga
Industrial marketing management 39 (3), 507-518, 2010
Information support for alliances: performance implications
JM Whipple, R Frankel, PJ Daugherty
Journal of business logistics 23 (2), 67-82, 2002
A Dyadic Investigation of Collaborative Competence, Social Capital, and Performance in Buyer–Supplier Relationships
JM Whipple, R Wiedmer, KK and Boyer
Journal of Supply Chain Management 51 (2), 3-21, 2015
Formal versus informal contracts: achieving alliance success
R Frankel, J Schmitz Whipple, DJ Frayer
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 26 (3 …, 1996
Customer‐based brand equity, equity drivers, and customer loyalty in the supermarket industry
AW Allaway, P Huddleston, J Whipple, AE Ellinger
Journal of Product & Brand Management 20 (3), 190-204, 2011
Grocery industry collaboration in the wake of ECR
R Frankel, TJ Goldsby, JM Whipple
The International Journal of Logistics Management 13 (1), 57-72, 2002
Relationship quality and performance outcomes: Achieving a sustainable competitive advantage
GN Nyaga, JM Whipple
Journal of business logistics 32 (4), 345-360, 2011
Food store loyalty: Application of a consumer loyalty framework
P Huddleston, J Whipple, A VanAuken
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 12, 213-230, 2003
Agency theory and quality fade in buyer‐supplier relationships
JM Whipple, J Roh
The International Journal of Logistics Management 21 (3), 338-352, 2010
The effect of governance structure on performance: a case study of efficient consumer response
JS Whipple, R Frankel, K Anselmi
Journal of Business Logistics 20 (2), 43, 1999
Supply chain security practices in the food industry: Do firms operating globally and domestically differ?
JM Whipple, MD Voss, DJ Closs
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 39 (7 …, 2009
A network comparison of alliance motives and achievements
JS Whipple, JJ Gentry
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 15 (5), 301-322, 2000
Managing Internal Supply Chain Integration: Integration Mechanisms and Requirements
V Turkulainen, J Roh, JM Whipple, M Swink
Journal of Business Logistics, 2017
Conceptualizations of trust: Can we trust them?
JM Whipple, SE Griffis, PJ Daugherty
Journal of Business Logistics 34 (2), 117-130, 2013
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