Sajjad Tohidi
Sajjad Tohidi
在 tabrizu.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimal stochastic design of wind integrated energy hub
A Dolatabadi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Abapour, S Tohidi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (5), 2379-2388, 2017
Different aspects of microgrid management: A comprehensive review
MA Jirdehi, VS Tabar, S Ghassemzadeh, S Tohidi
Journal of Energy Storage 30, 101457, 2020
A comprehensive review of low voltage ride through of doubly fed induction wind generators
S Tohidi, M Behnam
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, 412-419, 2016
Analysis and enhancement of low-voltage ride-through capability of brushless doubly fed induction generator
S Tohidi, H Oraee, MR Zolghadri, S Shao, P Tavner
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (3), 1146-1155, 2012
Energy management in hybrid microgrid with considering multiple power market and real time demand response
VS Tabar, S Ghassemzadeh, S Tohidi
Energy 174, 10-23, 2019
Reconfigurable multilevel inverter with fault-tolerant ability
HK Jahan, F Panahandeh, M Abapour, S Tohidi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (9), 7880-7893, 2017
Design and analysis of a novel SEPIC‐based multi‐input DC/DC converter
SK Haghighian, S Tohidi, MR Feyzi, M Sabahi
IET Power Electronics 10 (12), 1393-1402, 2017
Techno-economic analysis for clean hydrogen production using solar energy under varied climate conditions
MK Abbas, Q Hassan, VS Tabar, S Tohidi, M Jaszczur, IS Abdulrahman, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (8), 2929-2948, 2023
Low voltage ride-through of DFIG and brushless DFIG: Similarities and differences
S Tohidi, P Tavner, R McMahon, H Oraee, MR Zolghadri, S Shao, E Abdi
Electric Power Systems Research 110, 64-72, 2014
Analysis and simplified modelling of brushless doubly‐fed induction machine in synchronous mode of operation
S Tohidi
IET Electric Power Applications 10 (2), 110-116, 2016
Analysis and reliability evaluation of a high step-up soft switching push–pull DC–DC converter
H Tarzamni, E Babaei, FP Esmaeelnia, P Dehghanian, S Tohidi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 69 (4), 1376-1386, 2019
Appropriate crowbar protection for improvement of brushless DFIG LVRT during asymmetrical voltage dips
M Gholizadeh, S Tohidi, A Oraee, H Oraee
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 95, 1-10, 2018
Decentralized optimal multi-area generation scheduling considering renewable resources mix and dynamic tie line rating
S Madadi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, S Tohidi
Journal of cleaner production 223, 883-896, 2019
Symmetrical and asymmetrical low‐voltage ride through of doubly‐fed induction generator wind turbines using gate controlled series capacitor
H Mohammadpour, S Ghassem Zadeh, S Tohidi
IET Renewable Power Generation 9 (7), 840-846, 2015
Collective self-consumption of solar photovoltaic and batteries for a micro-grid energy system
Q Hassan, MK Abbas, VS Tabar, S Tohidi, M Al-Hitmi, M Jaszczur, ...
Results in Engineering 17, 100925, 2023
Comprehensive analytics for reliability evaluation of conventional isolated multiswitch PWM DC–DC converters
H Tarzamni, FP Esmaeelnia, M Fotuhi-Firuzabad, F Tahami, S Tohidi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (5), 5254-5266, 2019
Dynamic line rating forecasting based on integrated factorized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes
S Madadi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, S Tohidi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 35 (2), 851-860, 2019
Performance of the brushless doubly-fed machine under normal and fault conditions
S Tohidi, MR Zolghadri, H Oraee, P Tavner, E Abdi, T Logan
IET Electric Power Applications 6 (9), 621-627, 2012
Increasing resiliency against information vulnerability of renewable resources in the operation of smart multi-area microgrid
VS Tabar, S Ghassemzadeh, S Tohidi
Energy 220, 119776, 2021
Modelling and analysis of green hydrogen production by solar energy
Q Hassan, MK Abbas, VS Tabar, S Tohidi, M Jaszczur, IS Abdulrahman, ...
Energy Harvesting and Systems 10 (2), 229-245, 2023
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