Vassiliki Oreopoulou
Vassiliki Oreopoulou
National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Lab of Food Chemistry and
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Water loss and oil uptake as a function of frying time
MK Krokida, V Oreopoulou, ZB Maroulis
Journal of food engineering 44 (1), 39-46, 2000
Characterization of flavonoid subgroups and hydroxy substitution by HPLC-MS/MS
D Tsimogiannis, M Samiotaki, G Panayotou, V Oreopoulou
Molecules 12 (3), 593-606, 2007
Antioxidant activity of some plant extracts of the family Labiatae
KD Economou, V Oreopoulou, CD Thomopoulos
Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 68, 109-113, 1991
Utilization of plant by-products for the recovery of proteins, dietary fibers, antioxidants, and colorants
V Oreopoulou, C Tzia
Utilization of by-products and treatment of waste in the food industry, 209-232, 2007
Colour changes during deep fat frying
MK Krokida, V Oreopoulou, ZB Maroulis, D Marinos-Kouris
Journal of Food Engineering 48 (3), 219-225, 2001
Effect of extraction parameters on the carotenoid recovery from tomato waste
IF Strati, V Oreopoulou
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46 (1), 23-29, 2011
Edible and active films and coatings as carriers of natural antioxidants for lipid food
S Ganiari, E Choulitoudi, V Oreopoulou
Trends in Food Science & Technology 68, 70-82, 2017
Extraction of polyphenols from aromatic and medicinal plants: an overview of the methods and the effect of extraction parameters
A Oreopoulou, D Tsimogiannis, V Oreopoulou
Polyphenols in plants, 243-259, 2019
Enzyme and high pressure assisted extraction of carotenoids from tomato waste
IF Strati, E Gogou, V Oreopoulou
Food and Bioproducts Processing 94, 668-674, 2015
Effect of fat and sugar replacement on cookie properties
EI Zoulias, V Oreopoulou, E Kounalaki
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 82 (14), 1637-1644, 2002
Textural properties of low-fat cookies containing carbohydrate-or protein-based fat replacers
EI Zoulias, V Oreopoulou, C Tzia
Journal of Food Engineering 55 (4), 337-342, 2002
Phenolic acids of plant origin—A review on their antioxidant activity in vitro (o/w emulsion systems) along with their in vivo health biochemical properties
S Kiokias, C Proestos, V Oreopoulou
Foods 9 (4), 534, 2020
Oregano flavonoids as lipid antioxidants
SA Vekiari, V Oreopoulou, C Tzia, CD Thomopoulos
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 70 (5), 483-487, 1993
Utilization of by-products and treatment of waste in the food industry
V Oreopoulou, W Russ
Springer, 2007
Effect of pre-drying on quality of French fries
MK Krokida, V Oreopoulou, ZB Maroulis, D Marinos-Kouris
Journal of Food Engineering 49 (4), 347-354, 2001
Effect of sugar replacement by polyols and acesulfame‐K on properties of low‐fat cookies
EI Zoulias, S Piknis, V Oreopoulou
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80 (14), 2049-2056, 2000
Recovery of carotenoids from tomato processing by-products–a review
IF Strati, V Oreopoulou
Food research international 65, 311-321, 2014
In vitro activity of vitamins, flavonoids, and natural phenolic antioxidants against the oxidative deterioration of oil-based systems
S Kiokias, T Varzakas, V Oreopoulou
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 48 (1), 78-93, 2008
The contribution of flavonoid C-ring on the DPPH free radical scavenging efficiency. A kinetic approach for the 3′, 4′-hydroxy substituted members
DI Tsimogiannis, V Oreopoulou
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 7 (1-2), 140-146, 2006
Effect of osmotic dedydration pretreatment on quality of french fries
MK Krokida, V Oreopoulou, ZB Maroulis, D Marinos-Kouris
Journal of Food Engineering 49 (4), 339-345, 2001
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