Support vector machine and its applications Fan Xinwei PhD thesis, Zhejiang University, 2003 | 80* | 2003 |
Weighted support vector machine based classification algorithm for uneven class size problems Fan XinWei, Du ShuXin, Wu TieJun Journal of Image and Graphics 8 (9), 1037-1042, 2003 | 34* | 2003 |
Rough support vector machine and its application to wastewater treatment processes Fan XinWei, Du ShuXin, Wu TieJun CONTROL AND DECISION. 19, 573-576, 2004 | 21* | 2004 |
Analysis of Terahertz Spectroscopic Inspection Experiment for Glass Fiber Composite Material Defects GUO Xiao-Di, W Qiang, GU Xiao-Hong, C Xi-Ai, FAN Xin-Wei Infrared Technology 37 (9), 764-768, 2015 | 17* | 2015 |
Leak Detection and Localization Analysis of Underwater Gas Pipeline Based on Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Han Lingjuan, Wang Qiang, Yang QiHuan, Fan Xinwei Chinese Journal of Sensors And Actuators 28 (7), 1097-1102, 2015 | 10* | 2015 |
Defects Depth Inspection and Data Analysis of Glass Fiber Based on THz-TDs GUO Xiao-Di, Wang Qiang, GU Xiao-Hong, Chen Xi-Ai, FAN Xin-Wei Infrared Technology 38 (7), 602-606, 2016 | 6* | 2016 |
Noise-immune Weighted SVM Classification Algorithm Fan XinWei, Du ShuXin, Wu TieJun Journal of Circuits and Systems 4 (9), 97-102, 2004 | 6* | 2004 |
Comparison on Various Approaches to the Control of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Fan Xinwei, Du Shuxin, Wu TieJun China Water & Wastewater 19 (9), 39-40, 2003 | 6* | 2003 |
Underwater Gas Pipeline Leakage Diagnostic Method by Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Based on SPE Han Lingjuan, Wang Qiang, Fan Xinwei, GU Xiaohong Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 53 (5), 263-268, 2016 | 5* | 2016 |
Acoustic Emission Source Location of Composite Materials Using One Channel Sensor Based on Time Reversal Method YE Rong-yao, W Qiang, FAN Xin-wei, Z Wei-gang Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 36 (12), 22-26, 2014 | 5* | 2014 |
改进蚁群算法在机器人路径规划中的应用. 何雅颖, 范昕炜 Journal of Computer Engineering & Applications 57 (16), 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Detection and quantitative analysis of the weld in austenitic stainless steel based on ultrasonic phased array J Zhengpei, W Qiang, XIE Zhengwen, FAN Xinwei Journal of China University of Metrology 26 (2), 166-171, 2015 | 4* | 2015 |
基于分布式光纤测温的水管泄漏检测与定位 赵亚, 王强, 宋俊俊, 范昕炜, 谷小红 激光与红外 48 (7), 891-895, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
The ultrasonic inspection of austenitic stainless steels applying the multiple signal classification algorithm WU Pengying, WANG Qiang, FAN Xinwei, GU Xiaohong Applied Acoustics 35 (2), 102-108, 2016 | 2* | 2016 |
Simulation research on error influence factors extended acoustic sources identification based on generalized inverse beamforming YE Hong-min, WANG Qiang, YUAN Chang-ming, FAN Xin-wei Technical Acoustics 34 (4), 368-373, 2015 | 2* | 2015 |
基于改进遗传算法的餐厅服务机器人路径规划 徐林, 范昕炜 计算机应用 37 (7), 1967-1971, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Phased array ultrasonic test and signal process for root flaw of ladle trunnion D Yonggong, W Qiang, GU Xiaohong, FAN Xinwei Journal of China University of Metrology 25 (3), 268-272, 2014 | 1* | 2014 |
Noise-immune SVM classifier with uneven class sizes in wastewater treatment process Fan XinWei, Du ShuXin, Wu TieJun Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and …, 2002 | 1 | 2002 |
An Optimal Control with Adaptive - Predictor for Time Varying Plant with Large Delay Sun Bingda, Zeng Guang, Fan Xinwei, Huang Dinghua Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 14 (6), 31-34, 1999 | 1* | 1999 |
基于 BCA* 算法的移动机器人路径规划 徐星, 范昕炜, 徐林 计算机仿真 36 (10), 322-328, 2019 | | 2019 |