Phuong Luong Thi Thu
Phuong Luong Thi Thu
Ph.D at ETS, Montreal, Canada
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V-Cloud: vehicular cyber-physical systems and cloud computing
H Abid, LTT Phuong, J Wang, S Lee, S Qaisar
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in …, 2011
Deep reinforcement learning-based resource allocation in cooperative UAV-assisted wireless networks
P Luong, F Gagnon, LN Tran, F Labeau
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (11), 7610-7625, 2021
Optimal joint remote radio head selection and beamforming design for limited fronthaul C-RAN
P Luong, F Gagnon, C Despins, LN Tran
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (21), 5605-5620, 2017
Joint Virtual Computing and Radio Resource Allocation in Limited Fronthaul Green C-RANs
L Phuong, G François, D Charles, T Le-Nam
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (4), 2602-2617, 2018
Throughput analysis for coexisting IEEE 802.15. 4 and 802.11 networks under unsaturated traffic
P Luong, TM Nguyen, LB Le
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2016, 1-14, 2016
Energy-efficient WiFi offloading and network management in heterogeneous wireless networks
P Luong, TM Nguyen, LB Le, ND Đào, E Hossain
IEEE Access 4, 10210-10227, 2017
Energy efficiency based on quality of data for cyber physical systems
LTT Phuong, NT Hieu, J Wang, S Lee, YK Lee
2011 International Conference on Internet of Things and 4th International …, 2011
Joint beamforming and remote radio head selection in limited fronthaul C-RAN
P Luong, LN Tran, C Despins, F Gagnon
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2016 IEEE 84th, 1-6, 2016
Designing Green C-RAN with Limited Fronthaul via Mixed-Integer Second Order Cone Programming
P Luong, C Despins, F Gagnon, LN Tran
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'2017), 2017
Optimal energy-efficient beamforming designs for cloud-RANs with rate-dependent fronthaul power
P Luong, F Gagnon, C Despins, LN Tran
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (7), 5099-5113, 2019
A Novel Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Approach in Limited Fronthaul Virtualized C-RANs
P Luong, C Despins, F Gagnon, LN Tran
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), 2018 IEEE 87th, 2018
Throughput analysis and design for coexisting WLAN and ZigBee network
P Luong, TM Nguyen, LB Le
2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 1-5, 2014
A Fast Converging Algorithm for Limited Fronthaul C-RANs Design: Power and Throughput Trade-off
P Luong, C Despins, F Gagnon, LN Tran
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'2017), 2017
Admission control design for integrated WLAN and OFDMA-based cellular networks
P Luong, TM Nguyen, LB Le
2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1386-1391, 2014
Resource allocation in UAV-Assisted wireless networks using reinforcement learning
P Luong, F Gagnon, F Labeau
2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), 1-6, 2020
Energy-efficient resource allocation in limited fronthaul capacity cloud-radio access networks
PTT Luong
École de technologie supérieure, 2018
Distributed queuing based-TDMA for real-time service in vehicle to roadside communications
LTT Phuong, SY Lee, YK Lee
2012 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 639-643, 2012
New Machine Learning Approach for Low Overhead Multi-Beam Prediction
M Medra, H Wei, P Luong, HB Mohammadhadi
2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2023
Energy Join Quality Aware Real-time Query Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
LTT Phuong, SY Lee, YK Lee
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 92-96, 2011
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