Xiaolong Zhao
Xiaolong Zhao
在 connect.hku.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
Interfacial optimization of g-C3N4-based Z-scheme heterojunction toward synergistic enhancement of solar-driven photocatalytic oxygen evolution
X Yang, L Tian, X Zhao, H Tang, Q Liu, G Li
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 244, 240-249, 2019
Microwave irradiation induced UIO-66-NH2 anchored on graphene with high activity for photocatalytic reduction of CO2
X Wang, X Zhao, D Zhang, G Li, H Li
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 228, 47-53, 2018
A low-cost and dendrite-free rechargeable aluminium-ion battery with superior performance
W Pan, Y Wang, Y Zhang, HYH Kwok, M Wu, X Zhao, DYC Leung
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (29), 17420-17425, 2019
g-C3N4 photoanode for photoelectrocatalytic synergistic pollutant degradation and hydrogen evolution
X Zhao, D Pan, X Chen, R Li, T Jiang, W Wang, G Li, DYC Leung
Applied Surface Science 467, 658-665, 2019
Microfluidic fuel cells with different types of fuels: A prospective review
Y Wang, S Luo, HYH Kwok, W Pan, Y Zhang, X Zhao, DYC Leung
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 141, 110806, 2021
Copper Phosphide-Enhanced Lower Charge Trapping Occurrence in Graphitic-C3N4 for Efficient Noble-Metal-Free Photocatalytic H2 Evolution
W Wang, X Zhao, Y Cao, Z Yan, R Zhu, Y Tao, X Chen, D Zhang, G Li, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (18), 16527-16537, 2019
In-situ synthesis of heterojunction TiO2/MnO2 nanostructure with excellent performance in vacuum ultraviolet photocatalytic oxidation of toluene
Y Zhang, M Wu, YH Kwok, Y Wang, W Zhao, X Zhao, H Huang, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 259, 118034, 2019
High‐performance aqueous Na–Zn hybrid ion battery boosted by “water‐in‐gel” electrolyte
W Pan, Y Wang, X Zhao, Y Zhao, X Liu, J Xuan, H Wang, DYC Leung
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (15), 2008783, 2021
Reversibility of a High-Voltage, Cl-Regulated, Aqueous Mg Metal Battery Enabled by a Water-in-Salt Electrolyte
KW Leong, W Pan, Y Wang, S Luo, X Zhao, DYC Leung
ACS Energy Letters 7 (8), 2657-2666, 2022
Nanotube array-like WO3/W photoanode fabricated by electrochemical anodization for photoelectrocatalytic overall water splitting
L Li, X Zhao, D Pan, G Li
Chinese Journal of Catalysis 38 (12), 2132-2140, 2017
High‐Energy SWCNT Cathode for Aqueous Al‐Ion Battery Boosted by Multi‐Ion Intercalation Chemistry
W Pan, Y Zhao, J Mao, Y Wang, X Zhao, KW Leong, S Luo, X Liu, H Wang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (39), 2101514, 2021
High‐Performance MnO2/Al Battery with In Situ Electrochemically Reformed AlxMnO2 Nanosphere Cathode
W Pan, J Mao, Y Wang, X Zhao, KW Leong, S Luo, Y Chen, DYC Leung
Small Methods 5 (9), 2100491, 2021
Carbon doped ultra-small TiO2 coated on carbon cloth for efficient photocatalytic toluene degradation under visible LED light irradiation
X Zhao, Y Zhang, M Wu, W Szeto, Y Wang, W Pan, DYC Leung
Applied Surface Science 527, 146780, 2020
In-situ construction of amorphous/crystalline contact Bi2S3/Bi4O7 heterostructures for enhanced visible-light photocatalysis
F Mu, B Dai, W Zhao, X Yang, X Zhao, X Guo
Chinese Chemical Letters 32 (8), 2539-2543, 2021
Flexible direct formate paper fuel cells with high performance and great durability
S Luo, Y Wang, TC Kong, W Pan, X Zhao, DYC Leung
Journal of Power Sources 490, 229526, 2021
Doubling the power output of a Mg-air battery with an acid-salt dual-electrolyte configuration
KW Leong, Y Wang, W Pan, S Luo, X Zhao, DYC Leung
Journal of Power Sources 506, 230144, 2021
Salt-air template synthesis of Na and O doped porous graphitic carbon nitride nanorods with exceptional photocatalytic H2 evolution activity
X Zhao, Y Zhang, F Li, Y Wang, W Pan, DYC Leung
Carbon 179, 42-52, 2021
Strong Hollow Spherical La2NiO4 Photocatalytic Microreactor for Round-the-Clock Environmental Remediation
Y Tao, L Wu, X Zhao, X Chen, R Li, M Chen, D Zhang, G Li, H Li
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (29), 25967-25975, 2019
Solid-state Al-air battery with an ethanol gel electrolyte
Y Wang, W Pan, KW Leong, S Luo, X Zhao, DYC Leung
Green Energy & Environment 8 (4), 1117-1127, 2023
Low-cost and efficient Mn/CeO2 catalyst for photocatalytic VOCs degradation via scalable colloidal solution combustion synthesis method
Y Zhang, M Wu, Y Wang, X Zhao, DYC Leung
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 116, 169-179, 2022
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