Shabana Mehfuz
Fuzzy clustering algorithm for enhancing reliability and network lifetime of wireless sensor networks
S Lata, S Mehfuz, S Urooj, F Alrowais
IEEE Access 8, 66013-66024, 2020
Securing software as a service model of cloud computing: Issues and solutions
R Rai, G Sahoo, S Mehfuz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.2426, 2013
Exploring the factors influencing the cloud computing adoption: a systematic study on cloud migration
R Rai, G Sahoo, S Mehfuz
SpringerPlus 4, 1-12, 2015
Deep learning models for cloud, edge, fog, and IoT computing paradigms: Survey, recent advances, and future directions
S Ahmad, I Shakeel, S Mehfuz, J Ahmad
Computer Science Review 49, 100568, 2023
RSM analysis based cloud access security broker: a systematic literature review
S Ahmad, S Mehfuz, F Mebarek-Oudina, J Beg
Cluster computing 25 (5), 3733-3763, 2022
Experimental studies on impedance based fault location for long transmission lines
S Roostaee, MS Thomas, S Mehfuz
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 2 (2), 1-9, 2017
Secure and reliable WSN for Internet of Things: Challenges and enabling technologies
S Lata, S Mehfuz, S Urooj
IEEE Access 9, 161103-161128, 2021
A five-phased approach for the cloud migration
GS Rashmi, Shabana Mehfuz
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2012
Cryptographic data security for reliable wireless sensor network
S Urooj, S Lata, S Ahmad, S Mehfuz, S Kalathil
Alexandria Engineering Journal 72, 37-50, 2023
Hybrid cryptographic approach to enhance the mode of key management system in cloud environment
S Ahmad, S Mehfuz, J Beg
The Journal of Supercomputing 79 (7), 7377-7413, 2023
Advances in machine learning-aided design of reinforced polymer composite and hybrid material systems
CE Okafor, S Iweriolor, OI Ani, S Ahmad, S Mehfuz, GO Ekwueme, ...
Hybrid Advances 2, 100026, 2023
Performance evaluation of IEC 61850 GOOSE‐based inter‐substation communication for accelerated distance protection scheme
MA Aftab, S Roostaee, SM Suhail Hussain, I Ali, MS Thomas, S Mehfuz
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (18), 4089-4098, 2018
A hybrid recognition system for off-line handwritten characters
G Katiyar, S Mehfuz
springerplus 5, 1-18, 2016
Swarm Intelligent Power‐Aware Detection of Unauthorized and Compromised Nodes in MANETs
S Mehfuz, MN Doja
Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications 2008 (1), 236803, 2008
An efficient and secure key management with the extended convolutional neural network for intrusion detection in cloud storage
S Ahmad, S Mehfuz, J Beg
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 35 (23), e7806, 2023
Off-line handwritten character recognition system using support vector machine
G Katiyar, A Katiyar, S Mehfuz
American Journal of Neural Networks and Applications 3 (2), 22-28, 2017
Efficient time-oriented latency-based secure data encryption for cloud storage
S Ahmad, S Mehfuz
Cyber Security and Applications 2, 100027, 2024
Intelligent probabilistic broadcasting in mobile ad hoc network: a PSO approach
S Kumar, S Mehfuz
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 2, 107-115, 2016
Artificial neural networks based incipient fault diagnosis for power transformers
MAA Siddique, S Mehfuz
2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2015
Security issues in IPv6
R Radhakrishnan, M Jamil, S Mehfuz, M Moinuddin
International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS'07), 110-110, 2007
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