Dileep Kalathil
Dileep Kalathil
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Decentralized learning for multiplayer multiarmed bandits
D Kalathil, N Nayyar, R Jain
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (4), 2331-2345, 2014
The sharing economy for the electricity storage
D Kalathil, C Wu, K Poolla, P Varaiya
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (1), 556-567, 2017
Mechanism design for demand response programs
D Muthirayan, D Kalathil, K Poolla, P Varaiya
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 61-73, 2019
Learning policies with zero or bounded constraint violation for constrained mdps
T Liu, R Zhou, D Kalathil, P Kumar, C Tian
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 17183-17193, 2021
On regret-optimal learning in decentralized multiplayer multiarmed bandits
N Nayyar, D Kalathil, R Jain
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 5 (1), 597-606, 2016
Robust Reinforcement Learning using Offline Data
K Panaganti, Z Xu, D Kalathil, M Ghavamzadeh
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 32211-32224, 2022
Empirical dynamic programming
WB Haskell, R Jain, D Kalathil
Mathematics of Operations Research 41 (2), 402-429, 2016
Sample complexity of robust reinforcement learning with a generative model
K Panaganti, D Kalathil
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 9582-9602, 2022
Robust reinforcement learning using least squares policy iteration with provable performance guarantees
KP Badrinath, D Kalathil
International Conference on Machine Learning, 511-520, 2021
Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Rewards using Guidance from Offline Demonstration
D Rengarajan, G Vaidya, A Sarvesh, D Kalathil, S Shakkottai
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022, 2022
QFlow: A reinforcement learning approach to high QoE video streaming over wireless networks
R Bhattacharyya, A Bura, D Rengarajan, M Rumuly, S Shakkottai, ...
Proceedings of the twentieth ACM international symposium on mobile ad hoc …, 2019
Precoding for single transmission streams in multiple antenna systems
KK Kuchi, DKM Jeniston, V Ramaswamy, B Dhivagar, K Giridhar, ...
US Patent 9,225,575, 2015
DOPE: Doubly optimistic and pessimistic exploration for safe reinforcement learning
A Bura, A HasanzadeZonuzy, D Kalathil, S Shakkottai, JF Chamberland
Advances in neural information processing systems 35, 1047-1059, 2022
Learning with safety constraints: Sample complexity of reinforcement learning for constrained mdps
A HasanzadeZonuzy, DM Kalathil, S Shakkottai
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021
Estimating phase duration for SPaT messages
S Ibrahim, D Kalathil, RO Sanchez, P Varaiya
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (7), 2668-2676, 2018
Spectrum sharing through contracts for cognitive radios
DM Kalathil, R Jain
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (10), 1999-2011, 2012
Fully Decentralized Reinforcement Learning-based Control of Photovoltaics in Distribution Grids for Joint Provision of Real and Reactive Power
RE Helou, D Kalathil, L Xie
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 8 (2021): 175-185, 2021
Exploring the capabilities and limitations of large language models in the electric energy sector
S Majumder, L Dong, F Doudi, Y Cai, C Tian, D Kalathil, K Ding, AA Thatte, ...
Joule 8 (6), 1544-1549, 2024
Improved sample complexity bounds for distributionally robust reinforcement learning
Z Xu, K Panaganti, D Kalathil
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 9728-9754, 2023
Methods and systems for interference mitigation
KK Kuchi, DKM Jeniston, V Ramaswamy, B Dhivagar, K Giridhar, ...
US Patent 8,902,831, 2014
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