Yoichi Fukuda
Yoichi Fukuda
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
在 st.kyoto-u.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Land subsidence of Jakarta (Indonesia) and its relation with urban development
HZ Abidin, H Andreas, I Gumilar, Y Fukuda, YE Pohan, T Deguchi
Natural hazards 59, 1753-1771, 2011
Assessing multi-satellite remote sensing, reanalysis, and land surface models' products in characterizing agricultural drought in East Africa
NO Agutu, JL Awange, A Zerihun, CE Ndehedehe, M Kuhn, Y Fukuda
Remote sensing of environment 194, 287-302, 2017
Land subsidence in coastal city of Semarang (Indonesia): characteristics, impacts and causes
HZ Abidin, H Andreas, I Gumilar, TP Sidiq, Y Fukuda
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 4 (3), 226-240, 2013
Variance component estimation in linear inverse ill-posed models
P Xu, Y Shen, Y Fukuda, Y Liu
Journal of Geodesy 80, 69-81, 2006
Slip rate estimation of the Lembang Fault West Java from geodetic observation
I Meilano, HZ Abidin, H Andreas, I Gumilar, D Sarsito, R Hanifa, ...
Journal of Disaster Research 7 (1), 12-18, 2012
Estimability analysis of variance and covariance components
P Xu, Y Liu, Y Shen, Y Fukuda
Journal of Geodesy 81, 593-602, 2007
On causes and impacts of land subsidence in Bandung Basin, Indonesia
HZ Abidin, I Gumilar, H Andreas, D Murdohardono, Y Fukuda
Environmental earth sciences 68, 1545-1553, 2013
Anthropogenic effects on the subsurface thermal and groundwater environments in Osaka, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand
M Taniguchi, J Shimada, Y Fukuda, M Yamano, S Onodera, S Kaneko, ...
Science of the total environment 407 (9), 3153-3164, 2009
Crustal deformations associated with the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake deduced from continuous GPS observation
M Hashimoto, N Choosakul, M Hashizume, S Takemoto, H Takiguchi, ...
Earth, planets and space 58 (2), 127-139, 2006
Multiple parameter regularization: numerical solutions and applications to the determination of geopotential from precise satellite orbits
P Xu, Y Fukuda, Y Liu
Journal of Geodesy 80, 17-27, 2006
A new hybrid geoid model for Japan, GSIGEO2000
Y Kuroishi, H Ando, Y Fukuda
Journal of Geodesy 76, 428-436, 2002
Studying land subsidence in Semarang (Indonesia) using geodetic methods
HZ Abidin, H Andreas, I Gumilar, TP Sidiq, M Gamal, D Murdohardono, ...
FIG Congress, 11-16, 2010
A 100 m laser strainmeter system installed in a 1 km deep tunnel at Kamioka, Gifu, Japan
S Takemoto, A Araya, J Akamatsu, W Morii, H Momose, M Ohashi, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (3-5), 477-488, 2004
Climate teleconnections influence on West Africa's terrestrial water storage
CE Ndehedehe, JL Awange, M Kuhn, NO Agutu, Y Fukuda
Hydrological Processes 31 (18), 3206-3224, 2017
Land subsidence and urban development in Jakarta (Indonesia)
HZ Abidin, H Andreas, I Gumilar, M Gamal, Y Fukuda, T Deguchi
7th FIG regional conference, spatial data serving people: land governance …, 2009
Analysis of hydrological variability over the Volta river basin using in-situ data and satellite observations
CE Ndehedehe, JL Awange, M Kuhn, NO Agutu, Y Fukuda
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 12, 88-110, 2017
A geophysical interpretation of the secular displacement and gravity rates observed at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard in the Arctic—effects of post-glacial rebound and present-day ice …
T Sato, J Okuno, J Hinderer, DS MacMillan, HP Plag, O Francis, R Falk, ...
Geophysical Journal International 165 (3), 729-743, 2006
A 100 m laser strainmeter system in the Kamioka Mine, Japan, for precise observations of tidal strains
S Takemoto, H Momose, A Araya, W Morii, J Akamatsu, M Ohashi, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 41 (1-3), 23-29, 2006
Calibration of the superconducting gravimeter T011 by parallel observation with the absolute gravimeter FG5# 210—a Bayesian approach
Y Imanishi, T Higashi, Y Fukuda
Geophysical Journal International 151 (3), 867-878, 2002
Absolute gravimetry in Antarctica: Status and prospects
J Mäkinen, M Amalvict, K Shibuya, Y Fukuda
Journal of Geodynamics 43 (3), 339-357, 2007
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