Professor, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Saveetha University
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Energy recovery from waste animal fats and detailed testing on combustion, performance, and emission analysis of IC engine fueled with their blends enriched with metal oxide …
T Sathish, Ü Ağbulut, V Kumari, G Rathinasabapathi, K Karthikumar, ...
Energy 284, 129287, 2023
Experimental Investigation on material characterization of zirconia reinforced Alumina ceramic composites via powder forming process
T Sathish, S Arunkumar, R Saravanan, V Dhinakaran
AIP Conference Proceedings 2283 (1), 2020
Investigation on waste tyre oil with diesel for detection of density, Kinematic and dynamic viscosities evaluation of various combinations in volume basis
T Sathish, K Muthukumar, R Saravanan, V Dhinakaran
AIP Conference Proceedings 2283 (1), 2020
Experimental study about flash and fire point comparison on three combinationa of waste tyre oil with diesel for alternate properties identification
DB Subramanian, R Saravanan, V Dhinakaran
AIP Conference Proceedings 2283 (1), 020122, 2020
Multi Period Disassembly-to-Order of End of Life Product based on scheduling to maximize the Profit in Reverse Logistic Operation
PVSRS T. Sathish, J. Jayaprakash
FME Transactions 45 (1), 172-180, 2017
Investigations on influences of MWCNT composite membranes in oil refineries waste water treatment with Taguchi route
T Sathish, R Saravanan, V Vijayan
chemosphere 298, 134265, 2022
Pore size variation of nano-porous material fixer on the engine bowl and its combined effects on hybrid nano-fuelled CI engine characteristics
T Sathish, Ü Ağbulut, K Muthukumar, R Saravanan, M Alwetaishi, S Shaik, ...
Fuel 345, 128149, 2023
Sustainable nano-added biofuel production from borassus flabellifer oil for conventional internal combustion engines
GA Sivasankar, CB Moorthy, S Kaliappan, R Sathyamurthy, T Sathish, ...
Energy 282, 128381, 2023
Combustion, performance and emission discussion of soapberry seed oil methyl ester blends and exhaust gas recirculation in common rail direct fuel injection system
MOA Sajjad, T Sathish, R Saravanan, M Asif, E Linul, Ü Ağbulut
Energy 278, 127763, 2023
Influence of synthesizing parameters on surface qualities of aluminium alloy AA5083/CNT/MoS2 nanocomposite in powder metallurgy technique
T Sathish, R Saravanan, A Kumar, C Prakash, M Shahazad, M Gupta, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 27, 1611-1629, 2023
Performance enhancement by tungsten trioxide and silicon dioxide mixed nanofluids in solar collector of evacuated tube type
T Sathish, S Kathirvel, YD Dwivedi, N Stalin, J Giri, R Saravanan, E Makki
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 55, 104098, 2024
PCM embedded square channel receiver for effective operation of Net Zero Emission/Energy PDC building heating system
T Sathish, R Saravanan, CE Jeyanthi, RV Sabariraj, P Hemachandu, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 60, 103519, 2023
Heat transfer enhancement through nano-fluids and twisted tape insert with rectangular cut on its rib in a double pipe heat exchanger
C Gnanavel, R Saravanan, M Chandrasekaran
Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 865-869, 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of Mechanical Properties and Wire Cut EDM Process Parameters Analysis in AZ61 Magnesium Alloy + B4C + SiC
T Sathish, V Mohanavel, K Ansari, R Saravanan, A Karthick, A Afzal, ...
Materials 14 (13), 3689, 2021
A novel investigations on medical and non-medical mask performance with influence of marine waste microplastics (polypropylene)
T Sathish, R Saravanan, K Sharma, S Zahmatkesh, K Muthukumar, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 192, 115004, 2023
An investigation of the effects of hot rolling on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of nano-sized SiC particulates reinforced Al6063 alloy composites
D Sreeram, R Pugazhenthi, G Anbuchezhiyan, R Saravanan, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 64, 731-736, 2022
Enhanced waste cooking oil biodiesel with Al2O3 and MWCNT for CI engines
T Sathish, K Muthukumar, AK Abdulwahab, M Rajasimman, R Saravanan, ...
Fuel 333, 126429, 2023
Numerical exploration of heat transfer in a heat exchanger tube with cone shape inserts and Al2O3 and CuO nanofluids
M Karuppasamy, R Saravanan, M Chandrasekaran, V Muthuraman
Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 940-947, 2020
Study on temperature difference of aluminium nitride nanofluid used in solar flat plate collector over normal water
T Sathish, K Muthukumar, R Saravanan, V Dhinakaran
AIP Conference Proceedings 2283 (1), 2020
Waste to energy: An experimental study on hydrogen production from food waste gasification
AK Koshariya, MS Krishnan, S Jaisankar, GB Loganathan, T Sathish, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 54, 1-12, 2024
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