Thomas Stefan Spengler
Thomas Stefan Spengler
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Automotive Management and Industrial Production
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Environmental integrated production and recycling management
TS Spengler, H Püchert, T Penkuhn, O Rentz
European Journal of Operational Management (EJOR), 1997
Fuzzy outranking for environmental assessment. Case study: iron and steel making industry
J Geldermann, T Spengler, O Rentz
Fuzzy sets and systems 115 (1), 45-65, 2000
A methodology for assessing eco-efficiency in logistics networks
JQF Neto, G Walther, J Bloemhof, J Van Nunen, T Spengler
European Journal of Operational Research 193 (3), 670-682, 2009
From closed-loop to sustainable supply chains: the WEEE case
J Quariguasi Frota Neto, G Walther, J Bloemhof, J Van Nunen, T Spengler
International journal of production research 48 (15), 4463-4481, 2010
Evaluation of sites for the location of WEEE recycling plants in Spain
D Queiruga, G Walther, J Gonzalez-Benito, T Spengler
Waste management 28 (1), 181-190, 2008
Produktionswirtschaft: Eine Einführung
H Dyckhoff, TS Spengler
Springer-Verlag, 2010
Strategic management of spare parts in closed-loop supply chains—a system dynamics approach
T Spengler, M Schröter
Interfaces 33 (6), 7-17, 2003
Impact of WEEE‐directive on reverse logistics in Germany
G Walther, T Spengler
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 35 (5 …, 2005
Operations research for sustainability assessment of products: A review
C Thies, K Kieckhäfer, TS Spengler, MS Sodhi
European Journal of Operational Research 274 (1), 1-21, 2019
Balancing of assembly lines with collaborative robots
C Weckenborg, K Kieckhäfer, C Müller, M Grunewald, TS Spengler
Business Research 13 (1), 93-132, 2020
Integrated planning of acquisition, disassembly and bulk recycling: a case study on electronic scrap recovery
T Spengler, M Ploog, M Schröter
Or Spectrum 25, 413-442, 2003
Analyzing manufacturers' impact on green products' market diffusion–the case of electric vehicles
K Kieckhäfer, K Wachter, TS Spengler
Journal of Cleaner Production 162, S11-S25, 2017
Design of regional production networks for second generation synthetic bio-fuel–A case study in Northern Germany
G Walther, A Schatka, TS Spengler
European Journal of Operational Research 218 (1), 280-292, 2012
Impact assessment in the automotive industry: mandatory market introduction of alternative powertrain technologies
G Walther, J Wansart, K Kieckhäfer, E Schnieder, TS Spengler
System Dynamics Review 26 (3), 239-261, 2010
Industrielles Stoffstrommanagement: betriebswirtschaftliche Planung und Steuerung von Stoff-und Energieströmen in Produktionsunternehmen
TS Spengler
Schmidt, 1998
Development of a multiple criteria based decision support system for environmental assessment of recycling measures in the iron and steel making industry
T Spengler, J Geldermann, S Hähre, A Sieverdingbeck, O Rentz
Journal of cleaner Production 6 (1), 37-52, 1998
Revenue management in make-to-order manufacturing—an application to the iron and steel industry
T Spengler, S Rehkopf, T Volling
OR spectrum 29, 157-171, 2007
Implementation of the WEEE-directive—economic effects and improvement potentials for reuse and recycling in Germany
G Walther, J Steinborn, TS Spengler, T Luger, C Herrmann
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47, 461-474, 2010
Planning of capacities and orders in build-to-order automobile production: A review
T Volling, A Matzke, M Grunewald, TS Spengler
European Journal of Operational Research 224 (2), 240-260, 2013
Modeling and simulation of order-driven planning policies in build-to-order automobile production
T Volling, TS Spengler
International Journal of Production Economics 131 (1), 183-193, 2011
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