Springer handbook of robotics B Siciliano, O Khatib, T Kröger springer 200, 1, 2008 | 6996 | 2008 |
Force control B Siciliano, L Sciavicco, L Villani, G Oriolo Robotics: modelling, planning and control, 363-405, 2009 | 5537 | 2009 |
Modelling and control of robot manipulators L Sciavicco, B Siciliano Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 4365 | 2012 |
Theory of robot control CC de Wit, B Siciliano, G Bastin Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 1235 | 2012 |
An atlas of physical human–robot interaction A De Santis, B Siciliano, A De Luca, A Bicchi Mechanism and Machine Theory 43 (3), 253-270, 2008 | 1053 | 2008 |
Robot force control B Siciliano, L Villani Springer Science & Business Media, 1999 | 896 | 1999 |
A general framework for managing multiple tasks in highly redundant robotic systems SB Slotine, B Siciliano proceeding of 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2, 1211-1216, 1991 | 823 | 1991 |
Kinematic control of redundant robot manipulators: A tutorial B Siciliano Journal of intelligent and robotic systems 3, 201-212, 1990 | 790 | 1990 |
A singular perturbation approach to control of lightweight flexible manipulators B Siciliano, WJ Book The International Journal of Robotics Research 7 (4), 79-90, 1988 | 714 | 1988 |
Theory of robot control C Canudas de Wit, B Siciliano, G Bastin GBR, 1996 | 713 | 1996 |
Closed-form dynamic model of planar multilink lightweight robots A De Luca, B Siciliano IEEE Transactions on systems, MAN, and cybernetics 21 (4), 826-839, 1991 | 530 | 1991 |
A solution algorithm to the inverse kinematic problem for redundant manipulators L Sciavicco, B Siciliano IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation 4 (4), 403-410, 1988 | 501 | 1988 |
Variable impedance control of redundant manipulators for intuitive human–robot physical interaction F Ficuciello, L Villani, B Siciliano IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31 (4), 850-863, 2015 | 466 | 2015 |
Review of the damped least-squares inverse kinematics with experiments on an industrial robot manipulator S Chiaverini, B Siciliano, O Egeland IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 2 (2), 123-134, 1994 | 417 | 1994 |
Biomechatronic design and control of an anthropomorphic artificial hand for prosthetic and robotic applications L Zollo, S Roccella, E Guglielmelli, MC Carrozza, P Dario IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 12 (4), 418-429, 2007 | 415 | 2007 |
Closed-loop inverse kinematics schemes for constrained redundant manipulators with task space augmentation and task priority strategy P Chiacchio, S Chiaverini, L Sciavicco, B Siciliano The International Journal of Robotics Research 10 (4), 410-425, 1991 | 386 | 1991 |
The Tricept robot: Inverse kinematics, manipulability analysis and closed-loop direct kinematics algorithm B Siciliano Robotica 17 (4), 437-445, 1999 | 349 | 1999 |
Grasping D Prattichizzo, J Trinkle Handbook on Robotics, 671-700, 2008 | 326 | 2008 |
Safe and dependable physical human-robot interaction in anthropic domains: State of the art and challenges R Alami, A Albu-Schäffer, A Bicchi, R Bischoff, R Chatila, A De Luca, ... 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1-16, 2006 | 324 | 2006 |
PD control with on-line gravity compensation for robots with elastic joints: Theory and experiments A De Luca, B Siciliano, L Zollo automatica 41 (10), 1809-1819, 2005 | 323 | 2005 |