Jacob L. Jaremko
Jacob L. Jaremko
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Ethics of artificial intelligence in radiology: summary of the joint European and North American multisociety statement
JR Geis, AP Brady, CC Wu, J Spencer, E Ranschaert, JL Jaremko, ...
Radiology 293 (2), 436-440, 2019
Canadian Association of Radiologists white paper on artificial intelligence in radiology
A Tang, R Tam, A Cadrin-Chênevert, W Guest, J Chong, J Barfett, ...
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 69 (2), 120-135, 2018
Advances toward the implantable artificial pancreas for treatment of diabetes
J Jaremko, O Rorstad
Diabetes care 21 (3), 444-450, 1998
Do radiographic indices of distal radius fracture reduction predict outcomes in older adults receiving conservative treatment?
JL Jaremko, RGW Lambert, BH Rowe, JA Johnson, SR Majumdar
Clinical radiology 62 (1), 65-72, 2007
Canadian Association of Radiologists white paper on ethical and legal issues related to artificial intelligence in radiology
Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Artificial Intelligence Working Group
Canadian Association of Radiologists' Journal 70 (2), 107-118, 2019
Value and limitations of diffusion-weighted imaging in grading and diagnosis of pediatric posterior fossa tumors
JL Jaremko, LBO Jans, LT Coleman, MR Ditchfield
American journal of neuroradiology 31 (9), 1613-1616, 2010
MRI-based synthetic CT in the detection of structural lesions in patients with suspected sacroiliitis: comparison with MRI
LBO Jans, M Chen, D Elewaut, F Van den Bosch, P Carron, P Jacques, ...
Radiology 298 (2), 343-349, 2021
MRI and CBCT image registration of temporomandibular joint: a systematic review
MAQ Al-Saleh, NA Alsufyani, H Saltaji, JL Jaremko, PW Major
Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 45 (1), 30, 2016
Incident vertebral fractures and risk factors in the first three years following glucocorticoid initiation among pediatric patients with rheumatic disorders
CMA LeBlanc, J Ma, M Taljaard, J Roth, R Scuccimarri, P Miettunen, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 30 (9), 1667-1675, 2015
Bone morbidity and recovery in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: results of a six‐year prospective cohort study
LM Ward, J Ma, B Lang, J Ho, N Alos, MA Matzinger, N Shenouda, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 33 (8), 1435-1443, 2018
Incident vertebral fractures in children with leukemia during the four years following diagnosis
EA Cummings, J Ma, CV Fernandez, J Halton, N Alos, PM Miettunen, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100 (9), 3408-3417, 2015
Automated thyroid nodule detection from ultrasound imaging using deep convolutional neural networks
F Abdolali, J Kapur, JL Jaremko, M Noga, AR Hareendranathan, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 122, 103871, 2020
Indices of torso asymmetry related to spinal deformity in scoliosis
JL Jaremko, P Poncet, J Ronsky, J Harder, J Dansereau, H Labelle, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 17 (8), 559-568, 2002
On the load-sharing along the ligamentous lumbosacral spine in flexed and extended postures: Finite element study
S Naserkhaki, JL Jaremko, S Adeeb, M El-Rich
Journal of biomechanics 49 (6), 974-982, 2016
Meniscal injury after adolescent anterior cruciate ligament injury: how long are patients at risk?
ZD Guenther, V Swami, SS Dhillon, JL Jaremko
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 472, 990-997, 2014
Estimation of spinal deformity in scoliosis from torso surface cross sections
JL Jaremko, P Poncet, J Ronsky, J Harder, J Dansereau, H Labelle, ...
Spine 26 (14), 1583-1591, 2001
Potential for change in US diagnosis of hip dysplasia solely caused by changes in probe orientation: patterns of alpha-angle variation revealed by using three-dimensional US
JL Jaremko, M Mabee, VG Swami, L Jamieson, K Chow, RB Thompson
Radiology 273 (3), 870-878, 2014
Diagnostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging and radiography in juvenile spondyloarthritis: evaluation of the sacroiliac joints in controls and affected subjects
JL Jaremko, L Liu, NJ Winn, JE Ellsworth, RGW Lambert
The Journal of rheumatology 41 (5), 963-970, 2014
Health-related Outcomes after a Youth Sport-related Knee Injury.
JL Whittaker, CM Toomey, A Nettel-Aguirre, JL Jaremko, PK Doyle-Baker, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 51 (2), 255-263, 2019
Effects of inter-individual lumbar spine geometry variation on load-sharing: Geometrically personalized Finite Element study
S Naserkhaki, JL Jaremko, M El-Rich
Journal of biomechanics 49 (13), 2909-2917, 2016
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