yanfu wang
yanfu wang
在 upc.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Full-scale experiment research and theoretical study for fires in tunnels with roof openings
Y Wang, J Jiang, D Zhu
Fire Safety Journal 44 (3), 339-348, 2009
Accident analysis model based on Bayesian Network and Evidential Reasoning approach
YF Wang, M Xie, KS Chin, XJ Fu
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26 (1), 10-21, 2013
Investigations of human and organizational factors in hazardous vapor accidents
YF Wang, SF Roohi, XM Hu, M Xie
Journal of hazardous materials 191 (1-3), 69-82, 2011
Probability analysis of offshore fire by incorporating human and organizational factor
YF Wang, M Xie, KM Ng, MS Habibullah
Ocean Engineering 38 (17-18), 2042-2055, 2011
Diesel oil pool fire characteristic under natural ventilation conditions in tunnels with roof openings
Y Wang, J Jiang, D Zhu
Journal of hazardous materials 166 (1), 469-477, 2009
Fire probability prediction of offshore platform based on Dynamic Bayesian Network
YF Wang, T Qin, B Li, XF Sun, YL Li
Ocean Engineering 145, 112-123, 2017
Full-scale fire experiments and simulation of tunnel with vertical shafts
YF Wang, T Qin, XF Sun, S Liu, JC Jiang
Applied Thermal Engineering 105, 243-255, 2016
Simulation of back-layering length in tunnel fire with vertical shafts
YF Wang, XF Sun, S Liu, PN Yan, T Qin, B Zhang
Applied Thermal Engineering 109, 344-350, 2016
Small-scale experimental and theoretical analysis on maximum temperature beneath ceiling in tunnel fire with vertical shafts
YF Wang, XF Sun, B Li, T Qin, S Liu, Y Liu
Applied Thermal Engineering 114, 537-544, 2017
Maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling in tunnel fire with vertical shafts
YF Wang, YL Li, PN Yan, B Zhang, JC Jiang, L Zhang
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 50, 189-198, 2015
Thermal buoyant smoke back-layering length in a naturally ventilated tunnel with vertical shafts
YF Wang, PN Yan, B Zhang, JC Jiang
Applied Thermal Engineering 93, 947-957, 2016
Quantitative risk analysis of offshore fire and explosion based on the analysis of human and organizational factors
YF Wang, YL Li, B Zhang, PN Yan, L Zhang
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 537362, 2015
Quantitative risk assessment through hybrid causal logic approach
YF Wang, M Xie, MS Habibullah, KM Ng
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2011
Probability prediction and cost benefit analysis based on system dynamics
YF Wang, B Li, T Qin, B Zhang
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 114, 271-278, 2018
Quantitative risk analysis model of integrating fuzzy fault tree with Bayesian network
YF Wang, M Xie, KM Ng, YF Meng
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and …, 2011
A new methodology to integrate human factors analysis and classification system with Bayesian Network
YF Wang, SF Roohi, XM Hu, M Xie
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2010
Fire test of tunnel with openings on roof
YF Wang, YF Gong, JC Jiang, JF Mao, DZ Zhu
Journal of PLA 9, 248-254, 2008
Quantitative risk assessment using hybrid causal logic model
YF Wang, M Xie, SF Roohi
International topical meeting on probabilistic safety assessment and analysis, 2011
An extended quantitative risk analysis model by incorporating human and organizational factors
YF Wang, M Xie, KM Ng
2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, 361-365, 2011
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