Full-scale experiment research and theoretical study for fires in tunnels with roof openings Y Wang, J Jiang, D Zhu Fire Safety Journal 44 (3), 339-348, 2009 | 123 | 2009 |
Accident analysis model based on Bayesian Network and Evidential Reasoning approach YF Wang, M Xie, KS Chin, XJ Fu Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26 (1), 10-21, 2013 | 100 | 2013 |
Investigations of human and organizational factors in hazardous vapor accidents YF Wang, SF Roohi, XM Hu, M Xie Journal of hazardous materials 191 (1-3), 69-82, 2011 | 87 | 2011 |
Probability analysis of offshore fire by incorporating human and organizational factor YF Wang, M Xie, KM Ng, MS Habibullah Ocean Engineering 38 (17-18), 2042-2055, 2011 | 60 | 2011 |
Diesel oil pool fire characteristic under natural ventilation conditions in tunnels with roof openings Y Wang, J Jiang, D Zhu Journal of hazardous materials 166 (1), 469-477, 2009 | 57 | 2009 |
Fire probability prediction of offshore platform based on Dynamic Bayesian Network YF Wang, T Qin, B Li, XF Sun, YL Li Ocean Engineering 145, 112-123, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Full-scale fire experiments and simulation of tunnel with vertical shafts YF Wang, T Qin, XF Sun, S Liu, JC Jiang Applied Thermal Engineering 105, 243-255, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Simulation of back-layering length in tunnel fire with vertical shafts YF Wang, XF Sun, S Liu, PN Yan, T Qin, B Zhang Applied Thermal Engineering 109, 344-350, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Small-scale experimental and theoretical analysis on maximum temperature beneath ceiling in tunnel fire with vertical shafts YF Wang, XF Sun, B Li, T Qin, S Liu, Y Liu Applied Thermal Engineering 114, 537-544, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
Maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling in tunnel fire with vertical shafts YF Wang, YL Li, PN Yan, B Zhang, JC Jiang, L Zhang Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 50, 189-198, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Thermal buoyant smoke back-layering length in a naturally ventilated tunnel with vertical shafts YF Wang, PN Yan, B Zhang, JC Jiang Applied Thermal Engineering 93, 947-957, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Quantitative risk analysis of offshore fire and explosion based on the analysis of human and organizational factors YF Wang, YL Li, B Zhang, PN Yan, L Zhang Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 537362, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Quantitative risk assessment through hybrid causal logic approach YF Wang, M Xie, MS Habibullah, KM Ng Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2011 | 25 | 2011 |
Probability prediction and cost benefit analysis based on system dynamics YF Wang, B Li, T Qin, B Zhang Process Safety and Environmental Protection 114, 271-278, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Quantitative risk analysis model of integrating fuzzy fault tree with Bayesian network YF Wang, M Xie, KM Ng, YF Meng Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and …, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
A new methodology to integrate human factors analysis and classification system with Bayesian Network YF Wang, SF Roohi, XM Hu, M Xie 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Fire test of tunnel with openings on roof YF Wang, YF Gong, JC Jiang, JF Mao, DZ Zhu Journal of PLA 9, 248-254, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Quantitative risk assessment using hybrid causal logic model YF Wang, M Xie, SF Roohi International topical meeting on probabilistic safety assessment and analysis, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
An extended quantitative risk analysis model by incorporating human and organizational factors YF Wang, M Xie, KM Ng 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, 361-365, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |