In-Sik Kang
The Asian summer monsoon: an intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 simulations of the late 20th century
KR Sperber, H Annamalai, IS Kang, A Kitoh, A Moise, A Turner, B Wang, ...
Climate dynamics 41, 2711-2744, 2013
Fundamental challenge in simulation and prediction of summer monsoon rainfall
B Wang, Q Ding, X Fu, IS Kang, K Jin, J Shukla, F Doblas‐Reyes
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (15), 2005
Current status of ENSO prediction skill in coupled ocean–atmosphere models
EK Jin, JL Kinter, B Wang, CK Park, IS Kang, BP Kirtman, JS Kug, ...
Climate Dynamics 31, 647-664, 2008
Real-time multivariate indices for the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the Asian summer monsoon region
JY Lee, B Wang, MC Wheeler, X Fu, DE Waliser, IS Kang
Climate Dynamics 40, 493-509, 2013
Intercomparison of the climatological variations of Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by 10 GCMs
IS Kang, K Jin, B Wang, KM Lau, J Shukla, V Krishnamurthy, S Schubert, ...
Climate Dynamics 19, 383-395, 2002
Advance and prospectus of seasonal prediction: assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-model ensemble retrospective seasonal prediction (1980–2004)
B Wang, JY Lee, IS Kang, J Shukla, CK Park, A Kumar, J Schemm, ...
Climate Dynamics 33, 93-117, 2009
Ensemble simulations of Asian–Australian monsoon variability by 11 AGCMs
B Wang, IS Kang, JY Lee
Journal of Climate 17 (4), 803-818, 2004
Application of MJO simulation diagnostics to climate models
D Kim, K Sperber, W Stern, D Waliser, IS Kang, E Maloney, W Wang, ...
Journal of Climate 22 (23), 6413-6436, 2009
Interactive feedback between ENSO and the Indian Ocean
JS Kug, IS Kang
Journal of climate 19 (9), 1784-1801, 2006
MJO simulation diagnostics
D Waliser, K Sperber, H Hendon, D Kim, E Maloney, M Wheeler, ...
Journal of Climate 22 (11), 3006-3030, 2009
AGCM simulations of intraseasonal variability associated with the Asian summer monsoon
DE Waliser, K Jin, IS Kang, WF Stern, SD Schubert, MLC Wu, KM Lau, ...
Climate Dynamics 21, 423-446, 2003
Western tropical Pacific multidecadal variability forced by the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
C Sun, F Kucharski, J Li, FF Jin, IS Kang, R Ding
Nature communications 8 (1), 15998, 2017
El Niño and La Niña sea surface temperature anomalies: Asymmetry characteristics associated with their wind stress anomalies
IS Kang, JS Kug
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D19), ACL 1-1-ACL 1-10, 2002
Potential predictability of summer mean precipitation in a dynamical seasonal prediction system with systematic error correction
IS Kang, JY Lee, CK Park
Journal of climate 17 (4), 834-844, 2004
Principal modes of climatological seasonal and intraseasonal variations of the Asian summer monsoon
IS Kang, CH Ho, YK Lim, KM Lau
Monthly weather review 127 (3), 322-340, 1999
MJO simulation in CMIP5 climate models: MJO skill metrics and process-oriented diagnosis
MS Ahn, D Kim, KR Sperber, IS Kang, E Maloney, D Waliser, H Hendon, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 4023-4045, 2017
A systematic relationship between intraseasonal variability and mean state bias in AGCM simulations
D Kim, AH Sobel, ED Maloney, DMW Frierson, IS Kang
Journal of Climate 24 (21), 5506-5520, 2011
How are seasonal prediction skills related to models’ performance on mean state and annual cycle?
JY Lee, B Wang, IS Kang, J Shukla, A Kumar, JS Kug, JKE Schemm, ...
Climate dynamics 35, 267-283, 2010
How accurately do coupled climate models predict the leading modes of Asian-Australian monsoon interannual variability?
B Wang, JY Lee, IS Kang, J Shukla, JS Kug, A Kumar, J Schemm, JJ Luo, ...
Climate Dynamics 30, 605-619, 2008
Dynamic seasonal prediction and predictability of the monsoon
B Wang, IS Kang, J Shukla
The Asian Monsoon, 585-612, 2006
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