Elizabeth Bonsignore
Layered elaboration: a new technique for co-design with children
G Walsh, A Druin, ML Guha, E Foss, E Golub, L Hatley, E Bonsignore, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010
Participatory design for learning
B DiSalvo, J Yip, E Bonsignore, DS Carl
Participatory design for learning, 3-6, 2017
YouthTube: Youth video authorship on YouTube and Vine
S Yarosh, E Bonsignore, S McRoberts, T Peyton
Proceedings of the 19th ACM conference on computer-supported cooperative …, 2016
Brownies or bags-of-stuff? Domain expertise in cooperative inquiry with children
J Yip, T Clegg, E Bonsignore, H Gelderblom, E Rhodes, A Druin
Proceedings of the 12th International conference on interaction design and …, 2013
Sharing stories “in the wild” a mobile storytelling case study using storykit
E Bonsignore, AJ Quinn, A Druin, BB Bederson
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 20 (3), 1-38, 2013
Co-designing online privacy-related games and stories with children
P Kumar, J Vitak, M Chetty, TL Clegg, J Yang, B McNally, E Bonsignore
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on interaction design and children, 67-79, 2018
Do you know the way to SNA?: A process model for analyzing and visualizing social media network data
DL Hansen, D Rotman, E Bonsignore, N Milic-Frayling, EM Rodrigues, ...
2012 international conference on social informatics, 304-313, 2012
Do it for the viewers! Audience engagement behaviors of young YouTubers
S McRoberts, E Bonsignore, T Peyton, S Yarosh
Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design …, 2016
DisCo: a co-design online tool for asynchronous distributed child and adult design partners
G Walsh, A Druin, ML Guha, E Bonsignore, E Foss, JC Yip, E Golub, ...
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2012
Alternate reality games as platforms for practicing 21st-century literacies
E Bonsignore, D Hansen, K Kraus, M Ruppel
International Journal of Learning and Media, 2013
First steps to NetViz Nirvana: Evaluating social network analysis with NodeXL
EM Bonsignore, C Dunne, D Rotman, M Smith, T Capone, DL Hansen, ...
2009 International conference on computational science and engineering 4 …, 2009
Stranger danger! social media app features co-designed with children to keep them safe online
K Badillo-Urquiola, D Smriti, B McNally, E Golub, E Bonsignore, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on interaction design …, 2019
The evolution of engagements and social bonds during child-parent co-design
JC Yip, T Clegg, J Ahn, JO Uchidiuno, E Bonsignore, A Beck, D Pauw, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
ARMath: augmenting everyday life with math learning
S Kang, E Shokeen, VL Byrne, L Norooz, E Bonsignore, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Mixed reality games
EM Bonsignore, DL Hansen, PO Toups Dugas, LE Nacke, A Salter, ...
Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2012
Children initiating and leading cooperative inquiry sessions
JC Yip, E Foss, E Bonsignore, ML Guha, L Norooz, E Rhodes, B McNally, ...
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2013
Technology for promoting scientific practice and personal meaning in life-relevant learning
T Clegg, E Bonsignore, J Yip, H Gelderblom, A Kuhn, T Valenstein, ...
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and …, 2012
Alternate Reality Games: platforms for collaborative learning
E Bonsignore, D Hansen, K Kraus, J Ahn, A Visconti, A Fraistat, A Druin
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
Designing reusable alternate reality games
D Hansen, E Bonsignore, M Ruppel, A Visconti, K Kraus
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
Embedding participatory design into designs for learning: An untapped interdisciplinary resource?
E Bonsignore, J Ahn, T Clegg, ML Guha, JP Hourcade, JC Yip, A Druin
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
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