Annika Nordlund
Annika Nordlund
Associate Professor, Docent, Department of Psychology & Transportation Research Unit (TRUM), Umeå
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Value structures behind proenvironmental behavior
AM Nordlund, J Garvill
Environment and behavior 34 (6), 740-756, 2002
Effects of values, problem awareness, and personal norm on willingness to reduce personal car use
AM Nordlund, J Garvill
Journal of environmental psychology 23 (4), 339-347, 2003
Green consumer behavior: determinants of curtailment and eco‐innovation adoption
J Jansson, A Marell, A Nordlund
Journal of consumer marketing 27 (4), 358-370, 2010
Acceptability of travel demand management measures: The importance of problem awareness, personal norm, freedom, and fairness
L Eriksson, J Garvill, AM Nordlund
Journal of environmental psychology 26 (1), 15-26, 2006
Exploring consumer adoption of a high involvement eco‐innovation using value‐belief‐norm theory
J Jansson, A Marell, A Nordlund
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 10 (1), 51-60, 2011
Acceptability of single and combined transport policy measures: The importance of environmental and policy specific beliefs
L Eriksson, J Garvill, AM Nordlund
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (8), 1117-1128, 2008
Interrupting habitual car use: The importance of car habit strength and moral motivation for personal car use reduction
L Eriksson, J Garvill, AM Nordlund
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 11 (1), 10-23, 2008
Examining drivers of sustainable consumption: The influence of norms and opinion leadership on electric vehicle adoption in Sweden
J Jansson, A Nordlund, K Westin
Journal of Cleaner Production 154, 176-187, 2017
Effects of increased awareness on choice of travel mode
J Garvill, A Marell, A Nordlund
Transportation 30, 63-79, 2003
Forest values and forest management attitudes among private forest owners in Sweden
A Nordlund, K Westin
Forests 2 (1), 30-50, 2010
The importance of socio-demographic characteristics, geographic setting, and attitudes for adoption of electric vehicles in Sweden
K Westin, J Jansson, A Nordlund
Travel Behaviour and Society 13, 118-127, 2018
Models to explain environmental behaviour
L Steg, A Nordlund
Environmental psychology: An introduction, 185-195, 2012
Expected car use reduction in response to structural travel demand management measures
L Eriksson, AM Nordlund, J Garvill
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 13 (5), 329-342, 2010
Theories to explain environmental behaviour
L Steg, A Nordlund
Environmental Psychology: an introduction, 217-227, 2018
New transportation technology: norm activation processes and the intention to switch to an electric/hybrid vehicle
A Nordlund, J Jansson, K Westin
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 2527-2536, 2016
Elucidating green consumers: A cluster analytic approach on proenvironmental purchase and curtailment behaviors
J Jansson, A Marell, A Nordlund
Journal of Euromarketing 18 (4), 245-267, 2009
Recreation in different forest settings: A scene preference study
L Eriksson, AM Nordlund, O Olsson, K Westin
Forests 3 (4), 923-943, 2012
Acceptability of electric vehicle aimed measures: Effects of norm activation, perceived justice and effectiveness
A Nordlund, J Jansson, K Westin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 117, 205-213, 2018
Influence of values, beliefs, and age on intention to travel by a new railway line under construction in northern Sweden
A Nordlund, K Westin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 48, 86-95, 2013
Beliefs about urban fringe forests among urban residents in Sweden
L Eriksson, A Nordlund, O Olsson, K Westin
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 11 (3), 321-328, 2012
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