Dr.J N Gautam
Dr.J N Gautam
Professor of Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University Gwalior, India
在 jiwaji.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Awareness and use of social media applications among library staff of power sector organizations
RK Gupta, JN Gautam, VP Khare
Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) 61 (4), 320-331, 2015
Automation and problems in their implementation: An investigation of special libraries in Indore, India
PS Rajput, JN Gautam
International journal of library and information science 2 (7), 143-147, 2010
Electronic databases: the Indian scenario
A Singh, JN Gautam
The Electronic Library 22 (3), 249-260, 2004
Approaches to information Seeking by life scientists of Defence Research and Development Organization, India
SHT kumar, gautam J N, V Van
Annals of Library and information Studies 58, 17-23, 2011
Institutional repositories: new initiatives to preserve the intellectual output in India
S Prabhat, JN Gautam
K. Sanjay, JPK Anbu, and ShriRam (Eds.), Emerging Technologies and Changing …, 2009
Library Automation in indian central universities : Issues and challenges
SF Mehtab Alam Ansari, Gautam J. N.
Caicatalouging and classification Quarterly 55 (4), 247-264, 2017
Migration from CDS/ISIS to KOHA: A Case Study of Data Conversion from CCF to MARC 21.
SS Kushwah, JN Gautam, R Singh
International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control 38 (1), 6-10, 2009
Zipf's Law and number of hits on the World Wide Web
M Jauhari, A Saxena, JN Gautam
CSIR, 2007
New Education Policy 2020: Role of the Librarian in the Library
JN Gautam, R Parashar
Academic Discourse: An International Refereed Research Journal 10 (02), 1-7, 2021
Library Automation and Open Source Solutions Major Shifts & Practices: A Comparative Case Study of Library Automation Systems in India.
R Singh, SS Kushwah, JN Gautam
Inflibnet center, 2008
Impact of information communication technology in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh: bridging the divide
S Shukla, JN Gautam
Library Herald 46 (4), 239-254, 2008
Research collaboration in agricultural sciences
MM Usha, CP Vashishth, JN Gautam
ILA Bull 28, 57-60, 1993
User attitude towards electronic resources and services : A survey of jiwaji university central library, Gwalior, India
PSRJN Gautam
International Journal of Library and Information Studies 4 (1), 24-31, 2014
User’s attitude towards electronic resources and services: A survey of Jiwaji University, Central Library, Gwalior, India
PS Rajput, JN Gautam
International Journal of library and information Studies 4 (1), 24-31, 2014
Institutional repositories for scholarly communication: Indian initiatives.
ML Alexander, JN Gautam
Serials 19 (3), 2006
Study of current status of university libraries in North East India
MA Prodhani, JN Gautam
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 1997
Development of e-learning and e-content creation in indian higher education system : issues, solutions and suggestions
SJNG Ritu singh
University News 52 (12), 19-25, 2014
State-of-the-Art of Documentation and Information Services in SAU Libraries in India
JN Gautam, MN Srivastava
Library Herald 44 (1), 33-40, 2006
Effectiveness of Google Apps in providing Library Resources and Services to the Academic Community: A Literature Review
AS Gawadekar, JN Gautam
Resilience, Reflection and Innovation in Library Services and Practices, 278-279, 2022
Use of E-resources and Satisfaction Level of Faculty Members, Research Scholars and PG Students in Engineering Institutions affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Technological University …
PK Sharma, JN Gautam, J Shrivastava
BPAS Publications 39 (1), 117-124, 2019
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