Angkoon Phinyomark
Feature Reduction and Selection for EMG Signal Classification
A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8), 7420-7431, 2012
A Novel Feature Extraction for Robust EMG Pattern Recognition
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
Journal of Computing 1 (1), 71-80, 2009
EMG Feature Evaluation for Improving Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Robustness
A Phinyomark, F Quaine, S Charbonnier, C Serviere, F Tarpin-Bernard, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (12), 4832-4840, 2013
The Usefulness of Mean and Median Frequencies in Electromyography Analysis
A Phinyomark, S Thongpanja, H Hu, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis: A Perspective on …, 2012
Feature Extraction and Selection for Myoelectric Control Based on Wearable EMG Sensors
A Phinyomark, RN Khushaba, E Scheme
Sensors 18 (5), 1615, 2018
Application of Wavelet Analysis in EMG Feature Extraction for Pattern Classification
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
Measurement Science Review 11 (2), 45-52, 2011
EMG Pattern Recognition in the Era of Big Data and Deep Learning
A Phinyomark, E Scheme
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 2 (3), 21, 2018
Feature Extraction and Reduction of Wavelet Transform Coefficients for EMG Pattern Classification
A Phinyomark, A Nuidod, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 122 (6), 27-32, 2012
Analysis of Big Data in Gait Biomechanics: Current Trends and Future Directions
A Phinyomark, G Petri, E Ibáñez-Marcelo, ST Osis, R Ferber
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 38 (2), 244-260, 2018
Evaluation of EMG Feature Extraction for Hand Movement Recognition Based on Euclidean Distance and Standard Deviation
A Phinyomark, S Hirunviriya, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer …, 2010
Mean and Median Frequency of EMG Signal to Determine Muscle Force Based on Time-Dependent Power Spectrum
S Thongpanja, A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 19 (3), 51-56, 2013
Gender Differences in Gait Kinematics for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
A Phinyomark, S Osis, B Hettinga, D Kobsar, R Ferber
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 17 (157), 2016
Feature Extraction of the First Difference of EMG Time Series for EMG Pattern Recognition
A Phinyomark, F Quaine, S Charbonnier, C Serviere, F Tarpin-Bernard, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 117 (2), 247-256, 2014
Optimal Wavelet Functions in Wavelet Denoising for Multifunction Myoelectric Control
A Phinyomark, C Limsakul, P Phukpattaranont
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications …, 2010
Fractal Analysis Features for Weak and Single-Channel Upper-Limb EMG Signal
A Phinyomark, P Phukpattaranont, C Limsakul
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (12), 11156-11163, 2012
Current Trends and Confounding Factors in Myoelectric Control: Limb Position and Contraction Intensity
E Campbell, A Phinyomark, E Scheme
Sensors 20 (6), 1613, 2020
Interpreting Deep Learning Features for Myoelectric Control: A Comparison With Handcrafted Features
U Côté-Allard, E Campbell, A Phinyomark, F Laviolette, B Gosselin, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 158, 2020
Electromyography-Based Gesture Recognition: Is It Time to Change Focus From the Forearm to the Wrist?
FS Botros, A Phinyomark, EJ Scheme
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (1), 174-184, 2022
Gender and Age-Related Differences in Bilateral Lower Extremity Mechanics During Treadmill Running
A Phinyomark, BA Hettinga, S Osis, R Ferber
PLoS One 9 (8), e105246, 2014
Kinematic Gait Patterns in Healthy Runners: A Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
A Phinyomark, S Osis, BA Hettinga, R Ferber
Journal of Biomechanics 48 (14), 3897–3904, 2015
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