Simen Hagen
Simen Hagen
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Perceptual expertise and the plasticity of other-race face recognition
JW Tanaka, B Heptonstall, S Hagen
Visual Cognition 21 (9-10), 1183-1201, 2013
Spatially dissociated intracerebral maps for face- and house-selective activity in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex
S Hagen, C Jacques, L Maillard, S Colnat-Coulbois, B Rossion, J Jonas
Cerebral Cortex, 2020
Losing face: impaired discrimination of featural and configural information in the mouth region of an inverted face
JW Tanaka, MD Kaiser, S Hagen, LJ Pierce
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 1000-1014, 2014
The role of color in expert object recognition
S Hagen, QC Vuong, LS Scott, T Curran, JW Tanaka
Journal of vision 14 (9), 9-9, 2014
Color and spatial frequency differentially impact early stages of perceptual expertise training
H Devillez, MV Mollison, S Hagen, JW Tanaka, LS Scott, T Curran
Neuropsychologia 122, 62-75, 2019
The role of spatial frequency in expert object recognition.
S Hagen, QC Vuong, LS Scott, T Curran, JW Tanaka
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (3), 413, 2016
Examining the neural correlates of within-category discrimination in face and non-face expert recognition
S Hagen, JW Tanaka
Neuropsychologia 124, 44-54, 2019
Dissociated face-and word-selective intracerebral responses in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex
S Hagen, A Lochy, C Jacques, L Maillard, S Colnat-Coulbois, J Jonas, ...
Brain Structure and Function, 2021
A perceptual field test in object experts using gaze-contingent eye tracking
S Hagen, QC Vuong, L Jung, MD Chin, LS Scott, JW Tanaka
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 11437, 2023
Bird expertise does not increase motion sensitivity to bird flight motion
S Hagen, QC Vuong, MD Chin, LS Scott, T Curran, JW Tanaka
Journal of Vision 21 (5), 5-5, 2021
Perceptual learning and expertise
S Hagen, J Tanaka
The Cambridge handbook of applied perception research, 733-748, 2014
What drives the automatic retrieval of real-world object size knowledge?
S Hagen, Y Zhao, L Moonen, N Ulken, MV Peelen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 50 (4), 358, 2024
Extensive Visual Training in Adulthood Reduces an Implicit Neural Marker of the Face Inversion Effect
S Hagen, R Laguesse, B Rossion
Brain Sciences 14 (2), 146, 2024
Intracranial EEG referencing for large-scale category-selective mapping in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex
S Hagen, C Jacques, R Ranta, L Koessler, L Maillard, S Colnat-Coulbois, ...
Imaging Neuroscience 3, imag_a_00479, 2025
[Conference proceeding] Intracerebral recordings evidence that unfamiliar face-identity recognition is supported by face-selective neural populations in the human ventral …
S Hagen, C Jacques, L Maillard, S Colnat-Coulbois, J Jonas, B Rossion
Journal of Vision 24 (10), 1030-1030, 2024
[Conference proceeding] Feedback processing shapes the categorical organization of the ventral stream
Y Zhao, S Hagen, M Peelen
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4919-4919, 2023
[Conference proceeding] Temporal dynamics of shape-invariant real-world object size processing
S Hagen, YF Zhao, MV Peelen
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3930-3930, 2022
[Conference proceeding] Large objects prime visual representations of space
Y Zhao, S Hagen, M Peelen
PERCEPTION 51, 153-153, 2022
[Conference proceeding] Extensive visual training in adulthood reduces an implicit neural marker of the face inversion effect
S Hagen, R Laguesse, B Rossion
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2433-2433, 2021
[Conference proceeding] Mapping face-and house-selectivity in ventral occipito-temporal cortex with intracerebral potentials.
S Hagen, C Jacques, L Maillard, S Colnat-Coulbois, B Rossion, J Jonas
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 55a-55a, 2019
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