Gabriella Musacchia, Ph.D.
Gabriella Musacchia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of the Pacific
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Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music
G Musacchia, M Sams, E Skoe, N Kraus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (40), 15894-15898, 2007
The spectrotemporal filter mechanism of auditory selective attention
P Lakatos, G Musacchia, MN O’Connel, AY Falchier, DC Javitt, ...
Neuron 77 (4), 750-761, 2013
Brainstem responses to speech syllables
N Russo, T Nicol, G Musacchia, N Kraus
Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (9), 2021-2030, 2004
Relationships between behavior, brainstem and cortical encoding of seen and heard speech in musicians and non-musicians
G Musacchia, D Strait, N Kraus
Hearing research 241 (1-2), 34-42, 2008
Laminar profile and physiology of the α rhythm in primary visual, auditory, and somatosensory regions of neocortex
S Haegens, A Barczak, G Musacchia, ML Lipton, AD Mehta, P Lakatos, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (42), 14341-14352, 2015
Seeing speech affects acoustic information processing in the human brainstem
G Musacchia, M Sams, T Nicol, N Kraus
Experimental Brain Research 168, 1-10, 2006
Neuronal mechanisms, response dynamics and perceptual functions of multisensory interactions in auditory cortex
G Musacchia, CE Schroeder
Hearing research 258 (1-2), 72-79, 2009
Cortical correlates of the auditory frequency-following and onset responses: EEG and fMRI evidence
EBJ Coffey, G Musacchia, RJ Zatorre
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (4), 830-838, 2017
Enhancement of gamma oscillations indicates preferential processing of native over foreign phonemic contrasts in infants
S Ortiz-Mantilla, JA Hämäläinen, G Musacchia, AA Benasich
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (48), 18746-18754, 2013
Reduced left-lateralized pattern of event-related EEG oscillations in infants at familial risk for language and learning impairment
C Cantiani, S Ortiz-Mantilla, V Riva, C Piazza, R Bettoni, G Musacchia, ...
Neuroimage: clinical 22, 101778, 2019
Active auditory experience in infancy promotes brain plasticity in theta and gamma oscillations
G Musacchia, S Ortiz-Mantilla, N Choudhury, T Realpe-Bonilla, C Roesler, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 26, 9-19, 2017
Audiovisual deficits in older adults with hearing loss: biological evidence
G Musacchia, L Arum, T Nicol, D Garstecki, N Kraus
Ear and hearing 30 (5), 505-514, 2009
Oscillatory support for rapid frequency change processing in infants
G Musacchia, NA Choudhury, S Ortiz-Mantilla, T Realpe-Bonilla, ...
Neuropsychologia 51 (13), 2812-2824, 2013
Thalamocortical mechanisms for integrating musical tone and rhythm
G Musacchia, EW Large, CE Schroeder
Hearing research 308, 50-59, 2014
Infant auditory processing and event-related brain oscillations
G Musacchia, S Ortiz-Mantilla, T Realpe-Bonilla, CP Roesler, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 52420, 2015
Effects of noise and age on the infant brainstem response to speech
G Musacchia, S Ortiz-Mantilla, CP Roesler, S Rajendran, J Morgan-Byrne, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 129 (12), 2623-2634, 2018
It takes two: interpersonal neural synchrony is increased after musical interaction
A Khalil, G Musacchia, JR Iversen
Brain Sciences 12 (3), 409, 2022
Complementary fMRI and EEG evidence for more efficient neural processing of rhythmic vs. unpredictably timed sounds
N Van Atteveldt, G Musacchia, E Zion-Golumbic, P Sehatpour, DC Javitt, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 1663, 2015
Frequency-following response among neonates with progressive moderate hyperbilirubinemia
G Musacchia, J Hu, VK Bhutani, RJ Wong, ML Tong, S Han, NH Blevins, ...
Journal of Perinatology 40 (2), 203-211, 2020
Audiovisual integration in nonhuman primates
Y Kajikawa, A Falchier, G Musacchia, P Lakatos, CE Schroeder
The neural bases of multisensory processes, 2012
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