Projection of world fossil fuels by country SH Mohr, J Wang, G Ellem, J Ward, D Giurco Fuel 141, 120-135, 2015 | 649 | 2015 |
The implications of fossil fuel supply constraints on climate change projections: A supply-side analysis J Wang, L Feng, X Tang, Y Bentley, M Höök Futures 86, 58-72, 2017 | 158 | 2017 |
China’s coal consumption declining—impermanent or permanent? X Tang, Y Jin, BC McLellan, J Wang, S Li Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129, 307-313, 2018 | 142 | 2018 |
Modeling the nexus between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth G Yang, T Sun, J Wang, X Li Energy Policy 86, 104-117, 2015 | 142 | 2015 |
China's unconventional oil: A review of its resources and outlook for long-term production J Wang, L Feng, M Steve, X Tang, TE Gail, H Mikael Energy 82, 31-42, 2015 | 142 | 2015 |
China's natural gas: Resources, production and its impacts J Wang, L Feng, L Zhao, S Snowden Energy Policy 55, 690-698, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Energy Return on Investment (EROI) of China's conventional fossil fuels: Historical and future trends Y Hu, CAS Hall, J Wang, L Feng, A Poisson Energy 54, 352-364, 2013 | 96 | 2013 |
Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks J Wang, L Feng, S Davidsson, M Höök Energy 60, 204-214, 2013 | 94 | 2013 |
An analysis of China's coal supply and its impact on China's future economic growth J Wang, L Feng, GE Tverberg Energy Policy 57, 542-551, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |
A comparative study on the influential factors of China's provincial energy intensity G Yang, W Li, J Wang, D Zhang Energy Policy 88, 74-85, 2016 | 77 | 2016 |
A comparison of two typical multicyclic models used to forecast the world's conventional oil production J Wang, L Feng, L Zhao, S Snowden, X Wang Energy Policy 39 (12), 7616-7621, 2011 | 77 | 2011 |
Modeling oil production based on symbolic regression G Yang, X Li, J Wang, L Lian, T Ma Energy Policy 82, 48-61, 2015 | 64 | 2015 |
Water use for shale gas extraction in the Sichuan Basin, China J Wang, M Liu, Y Bentley, L Feng, C Zhang Journal of environmental management 226, 13-21, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Analysis of resource potential for China’s unconventional gas and forecast for its long-term production growth J Wang, S Mohr, L Feng, H Liu, GE Tverberg Energy Policy 88, 389-401, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
The impact of resource tax reform on China's coal industry H Liu, ZM Chen, J Wang, J Fan Energy Economics 61, 52-61, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Sustainability assessment of bioenergy from a global perspective: A review J Wang, Y Yang, Y Bentley, X Geng, X Liu Sustainability 10 (8), 2739, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Curve-fitting models for fossil fuel production forecasting: Key influence factors J Wang, L Feng Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 32, 138-149, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Environmental impacts of shale gas development in China: A hybrid life cycle analysis J Wang, M Liu, BC McLellan, X Tang, L Feng Resources, Conservation and Recycling 120, 38-45, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
Multi-scenario conception on the development of natural gas industry under the goal of carbon neutrality N Li, JL Wang, R Liu, X Tang Natural Gas Industry 41 (2), 183-192, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
The Chinese oil industry: History and future L Feng, Y Hu, CAS Hall, J Wang Springer, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |