Ingo Ebersberger
Ingo Ebersberger
Professor for Applied Bioinformatics, Goethe University Frankfurt
在 bio.uni-frankfurt.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS 2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for analysis of environmental sequencing data
J Bengtsson‐Palme, M Ryberg, M Hartmann, S Branco, Z Wang, A Godhe, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 4 (10), 914-919, 2013
The plant heat stress transcription factor (Hsf) family: structure, function and evolution
KD Scharf, T Berberich, I Ebersberger, L Nover
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1819 (2), 104-119, 2012
Genomewide comparison of DNA sequences between humans and chimpanzees
I Ebersberger, D Metzler, C Schwarz, S Pääbo
The American Journal of Human Genetics 70 (6), 1490-1497, 2002
Targeted deletion of AIF decreases mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and protects from obesity and diabetes
JA Pospisilik, C Knauf, N Joza, P Benit, M Orthofer, PD Cani, ...
Cell 131 (3), 476-491, 2007
A phylogenomic approach to resolve the arthropod tree of life
K Meusemann, BM von Reumont, S Simon, F Roeding, S Strauss, P Kück, ...
Molecular biology and Evolution 27 (11), 2451-2464, 2010
Genome-wide RNAi screen identifies genes involved in intestinal pathogenic bacterial infection
SJF Cronin, NT Nehme, S Limmer, S Liegeois, JA Pospisilik, D Schramek, ...
Science 325 (5938), 340-343, 2009
A neutral explanation for the correlation of diversity with recombination rates in humans
I Hellmann, I Ebersberger, SE Ptak, S Pääbo, M Przeworski
The American Journal of Human Genetics 72 (6), 1527-1535, 2003
Multiplex amplification of the mammoth mitochondrial genome and the evolution of Elephantidae
J Krause, PH Dear, JL Pollack, M Slatkin, H Spriggs, I Barnes, AM Lister, ...
Nature 439 (7077), 724-727, 2006
HaMStR: profile hidden markov model based search for orthologs in ESTs
I Ebersberger, S Strauss, A von Haeseler
BMC evolutionary biology 9, 1-9, 2009
Pancrustacean phylogeny in the light of new phylogenomic data: support for Remipedia as the possible sister group of Hexapoda
BM von Reumont, RA Jenner, MA Wills, E Dell’Ampio, G Pass, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (3), 1031-1045, 2012
Selection on human genes as revealed by comparisons to chimpanzee cDNA
I Hellmann, S Zöllner, W Enard, I Ebersberger, B Nickel, S Pääbo
Genome research 13 (5), 831-837, 2003
Natural product diversity associated with the nematode symbionts Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus
NJ Tobias, H Wolff, B Djahanschiri, F Grundmann, M Kronenwerth, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (12), 1676-1685, 2017
A consistent phylogenetic backbone for the fungi
I Ebersberger, R de Matos Simoes, A Kupczok, M Gube, E Kothe, K Voigt, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (5), 1319-1334, 2012
Mapping human genetic ancestry
I Ebersberger, P Galgoczy, S Taudien, S Taenzer, M Platzer, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (10), 2266-2276, 2007
Acinetobacter baumannii virulence is mediated by the concerted action of three phospholipases D
J Stahl, H Bergmann, S Göttig, I Ebersberger, B Averhoff
PloS one 10 (9), e0138360, 2015
New phylogenomic data support the monophyly of Lophophorata and an Ectoproct-Phoronid clade and indicate that Polyzoa and Kryptrochozoa are caused by systematic bias
MP Nesnidal, M Helmkampf, A Meyer, A Witek, I Bruchhaus, I Ebersberger, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 13, 1-13, 2013
Decisive data sets in phylogenomics: lessons from studies on the phylogenetic relationships of primarily wingless insects
E Dell’Ampio, K Meusemann, NU Szucsich, RS Peters, B Meyer, J Borner, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 31 (1), 239-249, 2014
Apoptotic tumor cell-derived microRNA-375 uses CD36 to alter the tumor-associated macrophage phenotype
AC Frank, S Ebersberger, AF Fink, S Lampe, A Weigert, T Schmid, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1135, 2019
A transcriptome approach to ecdysozoan phylogeny
J Borner, P Rehm, RO Schill, I Ebersberger, T Burmester
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 80, 79-87, 2014
The draft genome of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) reveals the development of intermuscular bone and adaptation to herbivorous diet
H Liu, C Chen, Z Gao, J Min, Y Gu, J Jian, X Jiang, H Cai, I Ebersberger, ...
Gigascience 6 (7), gix039, 2017
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